Broken Part 11

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Almost in an instant, one of the guards approached him, her body still hanging limp in his arms. His eyes immediatly noticed the gun hidden behind the jacket that must've been at least one size small.

"What's happening here?"

He needed to act. Now.

Adapting to the situation she forced him in as fast as possible.

"Fucking hell, Y/N."

One hand leaving her body, he reached out for the empty glass on the counter and took it to his nose, inhaling the sharp smell of the clear liquid that once filled it.

"Stupid bitch. Can't handle anything but still keeps drinking that shit. Always a fucking pain in my ass."

He slammed the glass back on the table and propped her body over his shoulder with an ease. Two men took their place next to him, blue masks similar to his red one covering their faces.

"Got a place where I can drop her? Won't let her ruin my night again."

The eyes of the man in front of him roamed over his body and the two men next to him, obviously thinking about his request. They moved to the dangling legs in front of his chest and lingered on the propped up ass on his shoulders for longer than he wanted to.

A moment of silence passed before the eyes of the man came back to his. "Bedrooms are upstairs. Right side. Door closed, don't enter. Door open, feel free to join." He took a step forward, his voice dropped low as he continued. "Take your time, keep her quiet. Close the door if you don't want to share."

He knew what the guard in front of him was refering to and it made him sick. Thinking about the young girls around him, probably ending up inside of one of the bedrooms sooner or later, being used only to pleasure the old men they surrounded, some of them maybe not even knowing what they got themselves into.

A sick game of money and power he knew happened more often in this world than any human being should be forced into and face over and over again.

With a nod he took the information and carried her upstairs, her still acting like she's passed out on his shoulders. His teammates folled him with every step he made, making their way upstairs and closer to the office.

"Hope you thought this one through." he mumbled under his breath, eyes taking in every detail as they walked upstairs.

A long hallway greeted them, leading to the left and right. Two armed men standing to the left, obvioulsy keeping this part of the building secluded from the guests, a few closed and opened doors to the right. Soft moans and muffled screams were coming through the doors that were left open by an inch as they passed them, searching for an empty room they could take until they found one.

Ghost waited for Gaz to close the door behind them before he placed her on the bed.

"Could've given me a heads up to your plan, Y/N." he couldn't hide the satisfaction that her plan worked out so far behind his harsh voice as he took a step back and gave her some space to get up.

"Thought you could handle a little improvisation, Ghost." her smile was subtle, but he couldn't help but let his lips join them.

"Got any idea how to continue?" Soap asked quietly as he moved towards the window and took a look outside in the darkness. "Got no guns and it seems like the office is on the other side of that fucking hallway. Saw the guards?" His head pointed towards the door as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. He seemed collected but yet worried that this whole thing wouldn't work out.

"Won't get past them without causing a scene." Gaz's voice swung through the room as he sat down on a chair next to the door.

It was clear that they didn't know how to handle the situation. Soldiers, not holding on to a gun in their hands as they were supposed to fulfill their mission. An important one, that could lead to an ending war.

Gathering intel wasn't foreign for them. But usually they would just raid an outpost, used force to get to wherever they needed to, spared innocent lifes and took the ones of their targets.

But with that many civilians around them, force wasn't the right choice.

"I managed to take a look at the building." You mumbled as you started undoing your shoes. "There's a cornice going 'round, I think I can reach the office from there."

Gaz just watched you without moving an inch on his chair as you spoke and took off your shoes.

Soap raised an eyebrow. "You're insane." He took another look outside of the window, his eyes following the raindrops drawing soft lines on the windowpane. "You realize that it's raining?"

"Got eyes and ears, Soap." Your voice was still collected, no hint of hesitation joining your voice as you placed your shoes on the bed next to you.

"Gonna be slippery out there, you sure that's a good idea?" His gaze found you again, a flicker of worry visible.

"You said it yourself. We don't have guns with us and I'm definitely not in the mood for a fistfight in that dress."

Your piercing gaze silence the silly joke he had lying on his tongue about how sad it would be to ruin that beautiful piece of fabric.

Your eyes finally turned towards Ghost, who was leaning against the wall to your right the whole time, not making a single sound.

He had his eyes on you the whole time, taking in every move you made and how determined your words were.

This very moment had shown you that he still couldn't trust you completely. The words and actions just a few minutes ago downstairs didn't chance the itch deep inside of his mind.

"Got anything to say to that, Lt?" Soap questioned with a motion of his hand towards you, like he was begging him to stop you from making a stupid decision.

"Insane, indeed." Ghost didn't break the contact between your eyes until he took a deep breath and pushed himself off the wall.

"Insane enough to work out."

Without wasting another second you jumped up on your feet and moved towards the window, opening it to invite the cold wind inside.

You were about to climb out as you felt a warm hand touching your shoulder and holding you back.

"Y/N." Ghost's deep voice made the warmth of his hand spread out through your whole body. He reached out and handed you the knife he had hidden at his shin behind his pants. "In case you need it."

With Ghost's knife between your teeth you climbed outside of the window, the cold rain and wind on your skin immediately taking away the confines of the room you've just left.

The darkness made it hard to see where you were going, but you slowly pushed your feet forward and balanced over the small way of safety below you that kept you from falling.

The first window appeared in front of you, luckily with its blinds closed so you didn't need to worry about invested gazes from the other side and could take a short rest on the window sill.

You dared to take a look behind you towards the window you just crawled through and were happy to see a familiar face.

Not the one you hoped to, though.

Soap was looking at you, his face still full of concern as he watched you taking step after step. His reassuring nod felt more like he was trying to convince himself that you'd make it than giving you the mental support he wanted to give you.

With every closed window you approached, you took the knife out of your teeth and swallowed, taking a deep breath to easy your trembling body.

Soaps face was already just a blurry dark spot in the distance after you passed the fourth window without any trouble. The only thing truly concerning you now only being the cold that spread through your body.

Maybe if there wouldn't have been the first thunder rolling through the air, you would've looked a bit more carefully at the pace in front of you. But your eyes were pointed towards the sky and missed the crack in the architecture below you.

You just shifted your weight on your right foot as the material gave in and the safety got replaced by a viod, pulling your body towards it.

A gasp left your lips and the knife fell down, swallowed by the darkness that screamed your name.

Broken // Simon "Ghost" Riley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now