Broken Part 15

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"It's serious. Her external wounds may look bad, but they won't be a problem. They are not infected and only needed stitches. It seems like they knew what they were doing and gave her medical treatment when they realized they had gone too far. It is her internal wounds that worry us. Several broken bones, one of her ribs almost punctured her lung. She has a severe concussion, is dehydrated and, given the amount of weight she's lost, they probably didn't give her anything to eat except the bare minimum to keep her alive. We've managed to make her stable, but she's still hanging by a thread. We put her in an induced coma to give her body some rest. She needs time. Not to mention the psychological damage."

The voice of the doctor didn't get through the noise inside of Ghost's mind as he shared the information about your medical condition to Price, Soap, Gaz and him. His body was present, but his mind was right where his gaze was glued on, his eyes not missing a single movement of your chest slowly rising and falling inside of the hospital room behind the door.

"As soon as the majority of her injures are healed, we will bring her out of her coma. We hope that she can then fully concentrate on recovering from her psychological damage and that her body does not hinder her in doing so."

He came by your hospital bed every day as soon as he finished his paperwork or returned from another mission, just to sit down on a chair next to your bed in silence. With his eyes closed he listened to the sound of the several machines attached to your body to keep you alive, the soft and slow beeping of the heart monitor a constant reminder of your fragile state.
Weeks passed and your injuries started to heal, each bruise fading and cut closing a soothing sight for his sleep deprived eyes. But the memory of your curled up body, screaming as you tried to get away from him never left his mind until his body eventually gave in to the exhaustion that pulled on his every nerve and muscle and he fell asleep, his hand never loosening the grip on yours.
He hadn't seen his own bed for what felt like forever, the pain in his back revealing his own strength slowly fading.

Each time the door got opened up he shifted in his seat and pulled his mask back down as he looked into the eyes of yet another nurse documenting your vitals and your injuries with his hand still holding yours.
Even when he was asleep, he was cautious to every sound of the machines surrounding him. Each beep, each pump of air that got forced into your lungs reminded him that you were just so close to leaving him, even with your body almost regaining its familiar sight.

And still, he couldn't explain himself why he felt this way.
He couldn't explain why he couldn't leave your side when he got tired.
He couldn't explain why the thought of you consumed his mind.
Not with all the walls he had built around him so carefully.

With Price as your emergency contact, he was the first to know that they planned to get you out of coma in a few days. Covering it under an act of kindness he, gave Ghost a few days leave, assuring that he was by your side when you woke up and not hovering over paperwork or somewhere in the middle of yet another battlefield.

Or worse.

Unaware of the medical staff slowly preparing you to bring you out of the induced coma he stayed in his slumber for the first time, hearing your voice whispering and your eyes looking at him like the night at the mansion.

"You really want me to tell you?"
"Out of all of the demons I've known, none could compare to you."
"I'll take this as a compliment."
"You should."

Just a blink of his eyes and the scenery changed.

You reached out for the guard and his gun, quickly disarming him before your forehead punched against his face. The sound of a breaking nose loud enough for everyone to hear. Using the given momentum, you punched the gun against his temple before you turned around to shoot the guard holding Soap in place.

"Y/N!" Ghost screamed your name as he rolled over, his hands catching the gun you threw towards him. Precise shots took down three guards quickly as he secured Soap and Gaz.
Another shot followed, one that he couldn't remember but still sounded like the previous ones. He turned his head towards you, only to see you leaning against a dark figure right before your legs gave in and your body fell to the ground.

Nightmares are a cruel thing.

Everything around him disappeared as he slowly crawled towards you, reaching out for your head to place it on his lap. Your eyes, missing the spark they usually held when his gaze met theirs, looked right through him with a grey hue covering their beautiful color as blood seeped out of the wound right above your ear, staining his hands and uniform with crimson.

His vision got more and more blurry with each blink of his eyes until he could barely see your face. He tried to scream, to pray to whomever to give you back to him. But with each stroke over your hair your head felt lighter on his thighs until it disappeared, leaving him looking down onto his blood stained hands.

His body jolted up from the chair and his lungs screamed for air as he found himself surrounded by darkness and silence. Without wasting a single second his damp hand ripped his mask, which was only covering his upper face, from his head and his feet carried him towards the window.

A nightmare.
Just a nightmare.
You're still alive.
You're with him.
Right here.

The blood in his veins froze as he noticed the silence in the room.

There was no humming nor beeping of the machines. All of those sounds which he held on to for the last weeks, which told him that you were still somehow with him.


The bed, in which you were lying as he held your hand before he fell asleep didn't stop him in his tracks as he moved over to the window.


Not caring about the mask still in his hands he stormed out of the room. His head turned left and right, searching for anything or anyone to tell him where you are. Down the dimly lit hallway Price got up from a chair and turned his body towards him.

A sign. You must've been there.

"Where is she?" His words sounded desperate as he reached Price but he didn't wait for a response and immediately opened the door next to him.

If he'd waited, Price would've told him.
He would've told him why they kept him asleep.
He would've told him why he needed to come to the hospital.
He would've told him why you've been brought into another room.
He would've told him why he shouldn't open the door.

There was no hardness to his voice, only pure relief that you're eyes were open and looking right in his. But still, something made you flinch and it seemed like you were trying to get away.

It seemed like... you were scared.

He managed to make one step into your direction before two hands held him back, one on his shoulder and one on his wrist. Price's voice was low and soft as he carefully pulled him back towards the door again. "Simon, -"
Price couldn't say another word before your voice interrupted him.

A voice filled with fear.

"Who are you?"

Broken // Simon "Ghost" Riley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now