whats that noise?

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Sanemi pov:

I was watching TV while eating some 2 minutes of pasta I bought from the store when I heard music.

It was the music artist, shayne orok. I liked the music but my neighbor was blasting it so loud. It was the guy with the long braid.

The idiot next door who broke iguros phone. He decided to blast music at 12:00 pm? So fucking stupid he is.

I went to go to sleep but my bedroom was right next to his. All I could hear was shinonuga e wa playing.

I groaned. He was going to ruin all of these songs for me.

I covered my head in my pillow, listening to music as I fell asleep - though it was against my will.

I did eventually fall asleep though, thank God.


I woke up with a small headache. It still hurt my head, though.

I groaned and sat up, heading to the bathroom so I could take a Tylenol, brush my hair, and brush my teeth. It was still the weekend, so I just had to work from 3-7, then I could rest until Monday.

I sighed and almost choked on the toothpaste. 'Ugly fucking toothpaste!' I said and spat it out into the sink. I rinsed it down the drink and took a sip of water, then spat it out.

'Disgusting,' I mumbled and went to get dressed. I put on a black and white hoodie that iguro got me for my birthday. It just said my last name on the back in handwriting.

I also put on a pair of black sweats, I put on a little sword hairclip that genya got me. He said he had a dream that I was fighting a demon with six eyes, and he was cut diagonally.

I found it funny because I've never wielded a sword in my entire life.

He even mentioned that his boyfriend was in the battle, pinned to a wall with a sword or something like that.

I sighed and was deciding whether I wanted to wear sunglasses or not.

'I'm not all that inspired by gojo, so no sunglasses,' I said to myself and set the circled sunglasses back on my desk. I walked out of the room and into the hallway.

I spotted the shortie with the rapunzel locks walk past me, he went inside of the elevator but when he saw me walking too it started pressing the button as quick as he could.

I made it inside, though.

'What the hell is your problem?! Shortie.' I asked, and he turned to me. He had an unbothered glare on his face - it kind of freaked me out. 'Don't call me that. You're built like a albino rat!' He said and crossed his arms. He turned back to the elevator door and ran out when it opened.

'Jeez, what's up his ass?' I asked myself and walked out of the doors as well. I grabbed my car keys from my pocket and honked the horn, running over to the car then shutting the door.

I drove to my workplace - I was already almost late.

I pulled into the parking lot and rushed in, getting greeted by mitsuri, my manager. 'Oh sanemi! You made it just in time, and I decided not to open without you.' Mitsuri said and threw me an apron.

'Oh- I'm sorry! My neighbor kept blasting his music, and it was keeping me up until at least 5am- I'm just sorry for being late.' I said, not wanting to start a rant.

'All good- we can open now though,' mitsuri said and switched the sign to open. I went behind the counter so I could grab my notebook. I had to take orders for the people.

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