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Sanemi pov:

I groaned and sat up - I could hear outrageously loud music once again.

Jeez how worse can this idiot get with the fucking music? He was nice last night so I could actually go to sleep but now his fucking music was playing.

"Sarcasm" was playing and it was annoying the fuck out of me.

Who the hell blasts some bitch screaming into a microphone and called that music.

Honestly, "arrested youth" is a better music artist.

I just sat up and looked at my clock. It was 6 in the morning and I was so fucking tired.

I groaned and got out of bed. I felt so cold as I left my warm blankets. I shivered and wrapped my blanket around my body, covering my whole body except my eyes. I took a peek out of the window and saw a blizzard out there.

I turned my thermostat up to 90° cause I was fucking freezing. I made some breakfast, and while I ate, I checked my phone.

'No school today?' I said to myself with a smile. I got up and dressed and decided to take a walk around the apartment since I did not want to go outside.

As I walked out of my door, I saw giyuu come out of his apartment as well. 'H-hey! Just wait there for a minute!' I said to him and grabbed the black and green notebook for him.

'Here! They helped a lot, actually!' I said, and he took it. He had a monotone facial expression, so it was pretty hard to read how he was feeling.

'Who are you?' He asked in a tired voice.

'Nobody important!' I said with a smile, and he glared at me. 'Than, why would I give you my notes? Why does it say a random person's name? Are you somebody important to me? Where am I? Why do I feel so nervous? What's wrong with me?' He asked all these questions, and when I walked toward him, he got scared.

Suddenly, when I touched his hand to try and calm him down, he fell in my arms.

Did he pass out?

I got freaked out, but I didn't want to leave him outside in the cold.

I also didn't want to go into the idiots apartment.
I just opened my door and took him to mine.

I placed the asshole on my bed and covered him with like 5 blankets.

He still shivered under all of them, so I added another five. He still looked so cold - maybe he was sick? I felt his head, and his forehead was extremely hot.

I got a towel from the blanket and wet it in cold water. I placed the towel on his forehead so I could keep his fever down. Why was I taking care of somebody who didn't even remember me.

He said he felt nervous?

Could he have had a mental breakdown?

Why was he so scared?

Could it be because he was sick?

I sighed and got all of my thoughts out of my head. I grabbed a chair and a book.

"The man's dead bride"

I was already reading it, and I was on chapter 14. The drama was fantastic.

After a while of reading, I heard a groan come from tomioka.
He sat up and held his head, the towel falling into his hand. 'Wha- OH SHIT!' He screamed and almost fell off the bed, but I caught him before he could fall.

'Chill! You just kind of... fainted?' I said and let go of him as he sat on the bed. 'What? I don't remember that,' he said and looked at the towel. 'Why do I have a towel on my head? Why am I so cold, although I'm covered in so many blankets?' He just kept going on and on with the questions.

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