shut the fuck up.

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Sanemi pov:

I was trying to go to sleep since I had a college class buy the idiot just started blasting random ass songs out of nowhere!

First it was fucking heart attack the rock version.

Shinonuga e wa

What your made of

The kid I used to know

And more random ass songs I knew but never really listened to.

I got out of my bed and opened my apartment door, knocking on his.

He finally answered after I hit the door for like, the sixty ninth time. 'What the fuck do you want?' He asked in a voice that made me tremble.

'Turn your fucking music down, it's irritating! Nobody can sleep!' I said and bent down to his height.

'Shut the fuck up- your not my father' he said and turned around to shut the door in my face. Only then did I realize what he was wearing.

He had on a black tanktop and grey sweatpants, his hair was down and cascading down his back.

'What are you staring at? Let me close the fucking door' he said and tried to slam it shut again. 'Just stop blasting your horrible taste in music! You're disturbing everybody in the apartment!' I yelled and stood up straighter.

I wasn't standing tall for very long since he grabbed a chunk of my hair and pulled me down. 'You listen here- asshole. You are not my fucking father, mother, or sister you can't tell me what to do- got that? And I think you coming here and pounding on the fucking door as if you were dying is disturbing people more than my music is. Also while your at it, stop wailing like a goddamn fucking baby at 3 in the morning, its annoying.' he said and yanked on my hair harder so I was inches away from his face.

'You're such a brat,' I said and grabbed his wrist. He jumped away from me and yanked his wrist back. 'D-Don't... dont- fu-fucking...' He muttered and started shaking with worry in his eyes.

'What are you--?' I was about to reach for him, but he smacked my hand away and slammed the door in my face before I could even react.

I stood there in shock when I heard a noise from behind me. 'He panicked, didn't he?' I heard the same sweet voice say - this time just lazily.

'W-what did I do..?' I muttered, still in shock. 'You grabbed his wrist, didn't you?' Kanae asked and stood beside me. I nodded, and she sighed. 'He doesn't like people touching hi mall that much - nobody knows why,' she said and took a deep breath but continued.

'He is totally panicking - the music is way louder' She said and rolled her eyes.

'Does the music bother you?' I asked and could hear the music blasting through the whole apartment building.

I just walked to my room and decided to go back to bed.

I just fell asleep to the music.


I woke up to my alarm for college, but I really did not want to get up.

I sat up, I had a headache again, but it wasn't horrible.

I got dressed, ate toast with avocado spread. I grabbed my keys and walked to the elevator, this time getting stuck with the skittish asshole and kanae.

'Sooo- sanemi... what college do you go to?' Kanae asked in a sweet voice to make conversation. 'Blossom Chai high,' I replied, and she smiled. 'I go there as well. Would you like to sit with me?' Kanae asked.

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