Chapter 1

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Babies cries could be heard throughout the room, as Inko Midoriya, a skinny green haired girl sighed. She had finally given birth to her baby boy, after 9 hellish months.

She chuckled at this, and laid her head back. "You did good, you did good." The nurse reassured her, soothing her from any worries.

The cries slowly disappeared, and she got concerned. She managed to open her eyes, barely. "My.. child. Where is my child?"

The nurse who was sat beside her, stood up and bowed, sitting down once again before speaking; "We've gone to clean him up. You can hold him when they come i-"

She was interrupted by the door opening, revealing another nurse holding the child.

"Here he is!" The nurse placed him in her arms, and gaped at the adorable baby boy who giggled and reached his arm out as both the nurse and his new mother.

"What'd you want to name him?"


"Alright then, welcome to the world, Izuku Midoriya."

She smiled before kissing her son on the head and furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, at this point her eyes were open fully, as all the sleep was now gone.

"What is-"

"I see you've noticed", a nurse frowned, "your son, he's.. a Neko. But a cute one at that!"

She carefully uncovered his head to see a few strands of hair and small green ears that popped out. They were placed down as Izuku breathed softly.

"My son is.. a Neko." She spat, trying her best not to sound displeased.

"That's right, miss. Have a good day, get some rest." One nurse placed Izuku on a crib beside Inko while the other laid her down.

4 —

Izuku sat at the table, looking at a book that lay the other side. He tried to grab it, but when he opened his hand, the book quickly came over.

He soon had the book in hand, confusion written all over his face. Then, he cried out in pain and fell.

He sobbed as Inko came in and groaned, "Your 4, right?"


"You've gotten your quirk. Get up, let's go." She said, plastering a smile on her face walking out the kitchen.


"Listen kid," the quirk doctor glanced at the door where Inko had just left to go to the bathroom. "You've got two amazing quirks. Geokinesis; you can control, manipulate and reshape the earth at will. By this, I mean grass, mud, rocks, trees, anything from the earth."

Izuku gasped, "and my second, mister?"

"Atmokinesis; you can control and manipulate the weather. Such as, water, fire, earth, air, and lightning and/or electricity."

Izuku nodded proudly, happy of his two quirks. "Here's the catch, your quirks are special so you must tell everybody your quirkless."

He was confused but agreed, the doctor put down "Quirkless" on Midoriyas files, as Midoriya had tears running down his face.

"Woah woah, what is—"

"Sorry sir, you said to pretend I'm quirkless. Therefor, I must be sad, meaning I must cry." He smiled, before going back to crying.

'That kids one hell of an actor..'

7 — after being diagnosed with ADHD

Izuku sighed, opening the door quietly, and stealthily. Nobody would be able to tell he was there, only if you didn't hear the click of the door when it was closed.

He raised an eyebrow as he didn't hear the TV on or Inko muttering on the phone, gossiping about him. By now, he was used to this.

She would say about how he could hide his form, and it's honestly a good thing. You see, he could hide his neko form, therefor his ears and tails disappear.

Though it could ache aswell. And, he could turn into a green cat, with white highlights. He assumed he got them from his father as he had them in his hair aswell.

(Just like strands of white.)

He walked into the living room, thinking it smelt odd. He looked up to see his, 'mother', hanging with a rope tied around her neck, and her as pale as a piece of paper.

He frowned, looking at a piece of paper on the table, so he picked it up.

Dear brat,

This is all your fault. If only you weren't such a worthless, quirkless neko, I would be okay. Hisashi wouldn't have left. I would have a good life. But no, you fat fuck!

I've done this to end my misery. I can't take it with you, and your whining! Goodbye.

- Inko

He was upset, he knew how useless he was, so why remind him? But then again, he couldn't forget, he SHOULDNT.

The greenette shoved the letter in his pocket, before grabbing his mums phone and dialing "999". (I'm bri'ish)

"Hello, 999, what's your emergency?"

He cleared his throat before quickly starting to sob. "P-Please! My m-mum! Sh-she's standing on air from the ceiling and won't move! She's so cold! Please please!"

He himself understood she committed, and that she was long gone and dead, but he was only 7, and no police officer or such would believe he knew such things.

Izuku was rather smart for his age, smarter then 15 year olds. (A bit excessive ik but still) Amazing it was, how he was so intelligent.

He would spend his time reading books or singing, it was no wonder why he had such an angelic voice either way and he could read so efficiently.

Though, back to matters at hand, the woman's voice rang out through the phone. "Standing on air you say, buddy? Do you think you can see a rope around her neck?"

He shuffled so the woman on the phone would think he moved to look, "M-Mhm! It's like she's w-wearing a necklace.. though it's m-making her necks b-blue!"

He could hear her sigh, "stay where you are bud. Hey, Fred, do you think you could go get detective Tsukauchi and Sansa?"

(Please take note that i haven't seen MHA in a while, so i might've forgotten stuff as locations, names, personalities and such.)

The 7 year old listened to the girl order somebody, to get the detective. The very same detective he loves writing about.

End of chapter.

Information about his quirks!

Geokinesis; this allows izuku to control, manipulate and reshape the earth at will. By this, I mean grass, mud, rocks, trees, anything from the earth. Like poison ivy!

Atmokinesis; this allows izuku to control and manipulate the weather. Such as, water, fire, earth, air, and lightning and/or electricity. Plus dark and light, like Celestia and Luna from MLP!


Geokinesis; when using this, he could get nosebleeds and headaches. If overused, he would have a headache the whole day and the next day, a fever/Ill.

Atmokinesis; he becomes dizzy, and if used for more then 3 hours, he faints. This gives him insomnia due to controlling the night, but during the night his drawbacks are immune to him, and he roams through peoples dreams, protecting them and keeping them happy and away from nightmares.

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