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MARIE WAS WALKING back to the school as walking back she was texting Esperanza about what had happened that all needed once her mother called

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MARIE WAS WALKING back to the school as walking back she was texting Esperanza about what had happened that all needed once her mother called.

"Hey mama" "Hi love, how are you?", her mother asked "I'm good just heading back to the school", Marie answered "You left the building?", Her mom asked "Yes, I didn't go far just I went to the coffee shop near by to study", Marie answered Her mom responded with "Honey why can't you just study at the school with Esperanza and your other friends?" "Well mommy I can't study with so much yelling and or talking it gets me off track and I can't focus"

"Yeah I hear you, that's how I feel everyday with certain things, Well at least you are safe and are watching your surroundings", Marie's mom said "Yeah. . . .Hey mom I gotta go", Marie says with a confused face "Okay kiddo call me back when you can I love you", her mom said "I love you too bye" Marie hangs up the phone and puts it in her pockets. Marie had came over a green slimy thing that was in the middle of the street she was about to cross people are stopping and had noticed it as well

Even some people were stopping cars so they wouldn't go over it, Marie looked over and saw a police man going near it yelling "Everyone stay back!" Marie's first thought was to run when the police officer was going to inspect the green slime and she was right the moment he did that a big explosion had went off Marie and many others ran quickly, She ran as fast as she could back to the building where she had seen many other students running in as well and two of the security guards waving in for other students to come inside the building, she had fallen when she had got inside of the school.

"Marie!", She heard Esperanza yell Marie got up quick as Esperanza ran over to her and hugged her Marie hugged back. "Holy shit are you okay?", Esperanza asked taking a look at Marie "I'm fine", She answered Marie's heart was beating fast then she heard police sirens roaming the entire block "Okay everyone head back to your dorms fast and lock yourselves in there close your blinds!!!", A man yelled everyone started to run back to their dorms and to hide

Marie and Esperanza did what was told but was more safer about it blocking the doors as well just in case "My God, What happened out there?", Esperanza asks Marie while she is still breathing heavily "Well there was green goo on the streets I guess and then a police officer went to check it out after that ran and heard a big explosion behind me" Marie finally sits down on her bed to regain herself "Hey Breathe, Breathe I'm just happy you are okay", Esperanza responds.

Marie nods and then her eyes widened as she remembers something, "What?", Esperanza asks "Oh no, What about Miles?", Marie asks in fear "Call him make sure he" and before Esperanza could finish her sentence Marie gets a call from her phone and saw it was Miles she picks it up and answered "Hello" "Marie, oh Gracias a Dios your okay", He responds "Yeah no are you okay?", Marie asks "Yeah yeah I'm fine I am at my mom's I had to help her with something", Miles answers.

Marie whispers to Esperanza while putting the phone to her chest "He's okay" She puts the phone back to her ear and continues talking to him "Well just try to get back here when you can okay please be safe I guess the police are dealing with it now", she says "Oh shit, I gotta go", Miles says "Miles what's wrong?", Marie asks in fear hearing destruction happening in the back then the phone hangs up "What happened?", Esperanza asked "I don't know but I heard destruction in the background", Marie answered

Later it was nighttime and everyone was asleep Marie felt the cold hit her back she turned over and saw the window was open randomly she yawned and slowly got up and closed the window so the cold air would stop coming inside the room she was about to go to sleep until she saw something on her table that wasn't there it was a little cat plushie "The hell", She mouthed she was gonna ask Esperanza but she was dead asleep and didn't wanna wake her up but she left the cat on her table thinking she was probably just dreaming.

The next day was a Saturday Marie hadn't left bed and Esperanza hadn't  gotten up yet it was eleven in the afternoon, Marie felt very unhealthy on how long she was in bed but she didn't care the last thing she wanted to do was leave her room or bed. That was until someone said on the intercom "Students  this is a very important message, Today we were just emailed a threat from an unknown group saying that they were going to bomb the school we already checked that it was none of you so we will tell you now pack your things and needs and evacuate the school after the incident from yesterday we have no other choice, please take this seriously Visions Academy will be closed until the time being your parents have already been contacted good luck out there students"

A day later, Marie was at her home in her room looking out her window with her green cup of tea in her hands, in her room the sun was shining on her and the curtains "Hey honey, I'm gonna go out with auntie we're gonna pick up some groceries you feel like tagging along?", Marie's mom asked "No I think I'll stay home if you don't mind", Marie answered "Okay then, well we won't be long alright do you want anything while we're out maybe?", Marie's mom answered "I can pick up some pizza" "Pizza sounds nice", Marie replied

Marie's mom nodded at her with a smile Marie smiled back at her before she closed the door and left with her aunt to the store. Marie heard their car leave and got up from laying down on her bed and headed to the living room where she decided to grab some chips and sit on the couch and binge one of her favorite shows, while she was doing that she heard her phone ding she tried ignoring it but the dinging kept getting louder and louder she finally flipped her phone over to see fourteen messages from Esperanza




Please answer me I'm getting bored

Can I come over ?

  Wait till my mom gets home, I'll ask

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