I MEND her ( part 2 )

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Thank you all who liked the previous part ( I broke HER ) . Here is the last part of the shot .

Enjoy and let me know how do you find it ....

I know it's been long since I updated. I was occupied with some personal problems.

Sorry for being late ...  

I love you guys ..... ❤️


A huge black cloud covered the whole sky . It was pitch black. Nothing could be seen other than sudden flashes of lightening and sounds of thundering. The whole city seemed to be in deep sleep and the continuous showering made the whole atmosphere mysterious and gloomy.

She curled up her toes feeling cold and closed her eyes leaned on the bedrest . She was lost in her world when she felt someone entered into the room . She did know who the person was but she didn't want to see him now . She didn't want to face him . As if She has lost all her feelings .

Soon she felt him covered her with the blanket giving her much comfort . Now she felt Little warm and good .
Suddenly she felt his warm lips on her forehead and caressing her face . But she didn't dare to open her eyes . She didn't want to see the same dream and broke her heart again . She had had enough. Now she just wanted to escape this world. She didn't want to trust him again . First her mother who left her alone and eloped , then her sister for whom she did everything but in return she got nothing and then her husband who broke her to an extent that now she has lost her will to live . One thing that occupied her mind that No one deserves her . They all used her for their benefits.

She felt him laid down next to her wrapping his arms around her but she didn't show any movement just kept lying there with her closed eyes . Sometime passed but sleep was away from her eyes . She turned back and saw him sleeping. A small smile appeared on her lips but soon it disappeared. She untangled herself and climbed down the bed . Walking towards the balcony she sat down on the armchair wrapping herself with her hands and keeping her head on her knees . The cool air touched her face reminding her about her life . Soon she fell asleep sitting on the same position.

It's been three days since Annika got discharged from the hospital. This time Shivaay didn't take her to oberoi mansion rather he took her to his own apartment in outskirts of Mumbai . He didn't want Annika to go through the same situation again. Since they came back Annika didn't utter any word . She didn't say anything to him neither she disobeyed him nor she ignored him . She just chose silence. She stopped talking to him . She stopped bothering him anymore.

Opening his eyes he moved his hand on the other side. Finding nothing he got up from the bed with a jerk . He started searching for her like a manic .

" Annika , Annika..... Annika....... " He called her but no response. He searched the washroom but didn't find her . He moved his hands through his hair being impatient. He called again. He already locked the door of their room so she can't go outside then where did she go ? Thinking he moved towards the balcony. He sighed in relief when he found her sitting on the chair curled up like a ball .

He sat down beside the chair and looked at her . He tucked the hair behind her ear . A lone tear crossed his eyes seeing his ever chirping Annika like this . The dark spots and eye bags were there visible. Her face became colourless. She no more wanted to wear any jewellery and any makeup. Only the nuptial chain was adorning her neck . Shivaay couldn't control himself. He broke down in tears .

" I'm responsible, I'm the culprit for everything..... .... Just because of me you are suffering.... I'm sorry..... Annika........ Plz I want my old Annika back .... I want her .....plz come back plz...... " He thought in his mind while caressing her hair. She stirred in her sleep and smiled little in her sleep like she used to do before . Shivaay saw this and his face broke into a smile. He missed her smile. Being excited he peaked her forehead which broke her sleep. Shivaay bit his tongue but she already has woken up . She opened her eyes and saw him . After looking at him for sometime she Without any reaction got up from the chair and went inside. Shivaay's face fell but soon he masked all his emotions and put a smile on his face.

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