PART - 12

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Author's pov

In the cozy home of Yn, Taehyung, and Jungkook, the air was filled with warmth and the aroma of freshly baked treats from Taehyung's home bakery. Despite their middle-class lifestyle, their love created a haven of happiness.

One evening, with Yn carrying the glow of pregnancy, Taehyung and Jungkook decided to surprise her with a romantic date. As they set the table with homemade dinner and soft candlelight, Taehyung grinned, "Tonight is all about celebrating our love and the little one on the way."

Jungkook, placing a hand on Yn's belly, added, "You two deserve all the love in the world. Let's make this evening unforgettable."

As they enjoyed the homemade feast, Yn's eyes sparkled with gratitude. "This is perfect. I never imagined such a magical date in our little home."

Taehyung, pouring a glass of sparkling juice, replied, "Well, every corner of this home is filled with our love. It's only fitting to celebrate here."

Jungkook, sharing a knowing smile, said, "And we have the best home baker right here. Taehyung, your desserts could make any date special."

The evening continued with laughter, shared stories, and dreams for the future. Taehyung and Jungkook took turns expressing their excitement about becoming dads, discussing plans for the baby's nursery and imagining the adventures they would have as a family.

As the night unfolded, the simple gestures and heartfelt conversations turned their home into a sanctuary of love. The trio reveled in the joy of the present moment, cherishing the anticipation of the new chapter awaiting them.

Under the soft glow of the candlelight, Yn couldn't help but express her gratitude. "Thank you both for making this evening so special. I feel truly blessed to have you by my side."

Taehyung, holding Yn's hand, replied, "You deserve all the love and joy, especially during this precious time. Our little one is already surrounded by it."

Jungkook, his eyes filled with affection, added, "We're in this together, every step of the way. I can't wait to hold our baby and share these moments as a family."

As dessert arrived, courtesy of Taehyung's baking prowess, Yn teased, "Taeee you might just spoil me with these delightful treats. I'm starting to crave them more than ever."

Taehyung chuckled, "Consider it practice for when our little one inherits my love for baking. We'll have a family bakery tradition."

Jungkook, with a playful grin, said, "I can already picture our kitchen filled with laughter and flour-covered aprons. It's going to be chaos, but the best kind."

The trio lingered at the table, savoring the sweetness of the moment and the shared dreams of their growing family. As the night came to a close, Yn rested her head on Taehyung's shoulder, feeling the warmth of love that filled their home.

In that small middle-class haven, Yn, Taehyung, and Jungkook embraced the beauty of their unique family, finding joy in the simplicity of shared meals, heartfelt conversations, and the anticipation of the little one who would soon join their loving trio.

As the evening unfolded, Taehyung and Jungkook took turns expressing their hopes and dreams for the future.

Taehyung, gazing at Yn with adoration, said, "I can't wait to see our child's face for the first time, and to bake cookies with them in our kitchen. Our family is the sweetest recipe."

Jungkook, gently rubbing Yn's belly, added, "I want to be the dad who tells bedtime stories and plays silly games. Our home will be filled with laughter and love."

Yn, feeling the warmth of their dreams, shared, "I'm grateful for both of you. You make every day an adventure, and I know our child will be surrounded by the most caring dads."

The trio laughed and shared anecdotes, creating memories that would be cherished for years to come. Taehyung, inspired by the joy in the room, suggested, "Let's capture this moment. We'll make a scrapbook for our little one to see how much love surrounded them even before they arrived."

Jungkook, grabbing his phone, agreed, "Great idea. Our little family's journey begins tonight."

As they took a photo together, the anticipation of parenthood radiated from their smiles. In that small home filled with love, Yn, Taehyung, and Jungkook embraced the beauty of their growing family, cherishing the present while eagerly awaiting the future they would create together.

Any suggestions????

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