PART - 31

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Author's pov

Tae : Aniyo you need to do like this jongyah.

Jongyu : Then what about the equation?

Tae : After finding this answer you can apply the formula. Not every questions are same you need to read it carefully.

Jongyu : Hyungieeeee

Taehyung stared at him hearing the sweatness in his voice.

Jongyu : Hyungiee can I go after studying this?

Tae :....

Jongyu : You know we need do make ourselves happy by going to feild otherwise I will forgot these right?

Tae : Nae nae

Jongyu : So I can go right?

Taehyung glared at him and nooded his head as yes.

Eunjin : Oppaaa.

Eujin entered the room while holding a book and a pen.

Tae : What happened eunjinh?

Eunjin : Oppa help me to do this problem.

Tae : Let me check.

Taehyung started to check the problems while jongyu and eunjin started to glare each other and showing ugly faces.

Tae : Jongyuah study fast.

Jongyu : I'm studying.

Tae : If you won't answer while asking questions you are not going to fie..

Jongye : HYUNGGG I'm studying.

Eunjin : You were not.

Tae : Mmh enough.. Eunjinah do you know how to do this problem??

Eunjin : Nae oppa I know this.

Tae : then litsen here...

Taehyung started explaining the problems to eunjin. While jongye was thinking how can his hyung remember all these things which he must had studied years before.

Tae : Do these problems without looking at the book okay.

Eunjin nooded her head and went outside.

Tae : Did you study.

Jongye : wait waaiit 2 more minutes.

Tae : You are only going to field after I ask questions.

Jongye : I'm studying hyung.

Tae : Nae nae.


Taehyung walks and sat on the living room after teaching jongyu.

Jongyu : Hyung I'm going.

Jongyu said and ran outside without waiting for a reply.

Mrs Kim : Taehyungahh here this for you and give this to jin also.

Mrs Kim said while giving the mangoes to him.

Tae : Wow. Is this from our field?

Mrs Kim : Nae nae. Appa just plug from our field.

Tae : Okay okah.

Tae : Okay okah

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