𝟬𝟮 "saved"

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chapter 2 !
"saved" ...

SUMMER BREAK IS OVER. I hold onto my backpack straps, running my thumb underneath them nervously while stepping onto the train. I hurriedly pull out the train pass I scrambled up money to buy and hand it to the lady. I walk down the packed aisle, every once in awhile stepping on someone's shoe and muttering a quick apology. I eventually manage to find an empty seat, which I take gladly. I smile softly at the girl sitting next to me as I take off my backpack and place it underneath my feet when the train begins moving.

I don't know how today is going to turn out but I do know it will be better than it would be at my old school.

I bend over in my seat and unzip my backpack to pull out a book to read to keep me from boredom. After about fifteen minutes, I feel the train jolt and hear the rails squeal as we make a stop. The girl sitting next to me got off at this stop and so did the old man sitting in front of me.

A few new people boarded the train and most of them continued walking down but one person took the empty seat in front of me. I kept reading my book, slowly bouncing my knee to the rhythm of the music playing in my earbuds.

I glanced up after finishing the page I was on, noticing the boy who was sitting in front of me. His demeanor showed insecurity, innocence, and friendliness. He had short, brown wavy hair and a green flannel paired with jeans and black converse. Black wires strung up to his ears like me, but instead of reading he was messaging someone on his phone.

He must have sensed me looking, because after a few seconds he looked up at me, meeting my eyes. In this moment, I noticed his soft eyes were a deep brown. I hold the eye contact for a quick moment before returning my eyes to my book. I didn't look up again until the train stopped at Midtown High.

When we do stop, I grab my bag from underneath me, putting my book inside, and begin to get off. The boy is getting off as well. He lets me go first. I shoot him a quick smile before walking down the aisle of the train. I dip my head down to watch my step as I step off the train and begin to walk towards the school, blending into the crowd of students also walking there.

I enter, noticing the large pool of students in just the entryway. My body feels small here compared to my old school, where it felt like everyone had a huge presence. I look up at the corners of the ceilings, noticing TV's in some of them. A blonde girl and a brown curly-haired boy are sitting at a desk with blue screens in the background.

"...and after Spider-man beat Vulture last school year, we can't help but wonder what's next for him!" I hear the girl say as I continue trying to walk down the hallway, saying a thousand excuse-me's. Eventually I give up and just squeeze through where I can.

I head to the office and look around confusedly, eventually noticing a woman smiling right at me. I ask for my schedule and she asks for my name, and then stands up joyfully to go grab it. They put me in 4 AP's along with French and art. I hope this won't go horribly wrong—or else I'm headed back to my old school.

The bell sounds throughout the intercoms. I took a breath and headed to my first period. The first week is always about the syllabus and doing icebreakers anyway so I have about a week of breathing room until I need to actually start trying.

I walked into my English class and sat down at an empty seat next to this girl with brown curly hair. She seemed pretty introverted, and so was I, so I didn't bother to interact with her except for a slight smile to make sure she knew I didn't hate her.


I was right; the whole period was dedicated to the five page syllabus the teacher gave to us.

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