𝟬𝟰 vulture 2.0?

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chapter 4 !
vulture 2.0 ...


THE TRAIN RIDE back home from the first day of school was boring, as always, but now that I have a friend on the train I do wonder if it will get less boring.

I look across from me, noticing Y/N was reading her book (but when is she not?) and feel the train start to slow down. She looks up at me, and I wonder if she knows it's my stop.

As I stand up, she gives me a smile and a wave, and I do the same. I step off the train, putting my earbuds in, and begin to walk home. I reflect on the first day of school, but my mind all goes back to one thing—food. I forgot to eat lunch so my stomach growls loudly and I remember Aunt May said she was making my favorite food for dinner, so I begin to pick up the pace just a little. Patrol could wait until after I ate.

When I get home, I say hi to Aunt May and sit down to eat my food, trying to hurry so that I can go out on patrol as soon as possible.

"Do I need to make a phone call? Are they starving you there?" Aunt May asks me, putting a hand on my head and messing with my hair.

"No," I muffle in between bites. "The city just needs Spider-man, so I need to hurry."

Aunt May nods, "Right. You better be staying safe out there. I know I can't stop you but I want to make sure you're not getting hurt."

"I am..." I respond. I finish my food and rush to rinse my plate, accidentally running into the table on the way there, and head to my bedroom to put on my suit.

When I'm done, I hit the emblem in the center and it shrinks, sizing down to the exact shape of my body. I yell a goodbye to May and jump out of my window, shooting a web at a building as I fall.

The sun is starting to set, so when I land on the top of a building I take a second to watch it. The sky bleeds into the atmosphere, pink, red, and orange covering the skies with the bright orange sun in the center, beginning to fall below the surface.

I hear a grunt below me as well as a gun cock, so I  panic a little bit and jump down before it's too late. I land and shoot a web at the guy's gun, followed by him and his hands, attaching them to the wall.

I have to admit, I do still wonder why people even try to commit crimes with superheroes around, but hey, you gotta hand it to him for trying.

"Have you not heard of me, or...?" I ask him, questioningly holding my hands out to the sides, palms faced up.

I turn towards the victim and see a girl holding a case of beer. When I take a better look, I notice it's Y/N. I try to keep calm so it's not obvious I know her, and she mutters a thanks to me. She doesn't really seem all that thankful that I saved her, though, which confuses me. Who wouldn't be ecstatic to be saved my Spider-man?

"Anytime." I respond.

She begins to walk away without another word. I watch her for a moment, but then I realize I can't just let her walk home by herself, so I catch up to her.

"Are you alone?" I ask.

"Even if I was, I wouldn't answer that question honestly for my own safety." She responds.

She's acting different than she was earlier—more standoffish towards me right now than she was towards Ned and I in science class.

I consider her response. "You kinda did just answer it, though."

She doesn't respond to me, and I feel the need to keep pushing. I need to know more about the situation. She begins to quicken her pace, and I follow. "You shouldn't be walking alone at night, especially in this area—you do know that right?"

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