𝟬𝟲 unveiled secrets

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chapter 6 !
unveiled secrets ...

I STARE AT SPIDER-MAN, dumbfounded. No one is supposed to know. I don't want anyone to know. I should've just kept walking.

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to play dumb.

"You—You just made him do some weird stuff. I saw it."

"I don't know what you're talking about?"

"Don't play dumb, I know you're not." He said. "Is that how you got the beer the other day without an ID?"

"Yes." I responded. "Why are you acting like this? You're not the only one in the world with superpowers."

He paused and took what I said into consideration. "You're right. I guess—I'm not mad, I'm just interested. Can you tell me about what you can do?"

I stay silent.


I sigh and dip my head. "Fine. Can we just not do it here?"

"No problem." He says, walking towards me and wrapping his arm around my waist. I give him a strange look but then he swings us up to a rooftop and I quickly understand.

We sit down on the edge, looking out at the cityscapes.

"I'm not too sure what exactly I can do—I mean once I lifted my pencil with my mind in like fifth grade and haven't been able to do it since. But, mostly it's telepathy; mind reading, mind control, hallucination infliction, you know, that stuff? One time I teleported to some random place in Manhattan and it took me forever to find my way back, but once again, I haven't done that since."

"Woah, that's—that is so cool." He said. I smiled, glad he thought so. "Could—could you maybe show me?"

I cock my head, thinking about what I could do without invading his privacy or harming him.

"Are you fine with me going in your head? I won't find any personal stuff, I promise." I ask.

"Of course. I trust you won't do anything." He responds. I wonder how he has so much trust in me already, but I don't ask about it.

My eyes flash purple, his mirroring mine, as I cause a hallucination in his mind. I manipulate him so that he sees dragons flying in the sunset, and a castle sprouts from the ground. I make the scene as magical as I can so that he isn't uncomfortable with my presence in his mind. When I leave his mind, both of our eyes go back to normal and he shakes his head.

He then looks at me, narrowing his eyes, "It was you."

I furrow my brows. "What do you mean?"

"You were in my head that night—when I was walking you home. Did you—?"

"No! I swear." I respond. "I was only a little curious, and the only thing I heard was you wondering about my dad. That's all, I promise."

"Okay." He kicks his feet back and forth. "I am curious, though, is he a bad parent? I mean, sending you out that late was kind of crazy, no?"

"He..." I trail off. I don't know whether to confide in him or not. "It was definitely crazy. But I couldn't argue back because..."

"Oh, um—it's okay, I know what you mean, you don't have to talk about it." Spider-man says.

"Thanks." I smile. "What about you? How are your parents?"

"Well... They're um—" He says, his voice breaking slightly. "I live with my guardian."

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