𝟭𝟬 final goodbye

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chapter 10 !
final goodbye ...

THE ACADEMIC DECATHLON was happening in three days. I have been staying with Peter in his apartment for the past two days. Today was the day May was supposed to come back home, and despite the fact that she is an amazing person with a kind heart, I'm scared how she'll react to me staying here for so long.

I don't know what I'm going to do about my living situation—I can't stay here forever, but I'm terrified to go back home. Peter must be able to tell I'm deep in thought because he clears his throat and sits down next to me.

"What's wrong?" He asks gently.

I purse my lips. "I just—I don't know what to do. I don't want to go back home, but I can't just stay here forever. That's not fair for you or for May."

"I mean, it's probably a terrible idea, but you could try to make things right with your dad? And worst case scenario, you have superpowers to help you fight back. Remember what we've talked about."

I recall yesterday when we went over my powers and how to prevent myself from passing out that one time on the train. We also discussed multiple ways I could use my powers, now that I knew more about them.

"Okay." I nod. "Anyway, have you been studying for the competition in DC?"

"Kinda... have you?" He asks.

"Kinda." I smile. "I'm scared—what if I say something stupid and get it wrong and then I screw up the whole thing for everyone?"

Peter looks at me like I'm stupid. "That's not going to happen, Y/N. You'll do great, okay? And if you do make a mistake—just remember everyone makes them. Last year I didn't even show up for the competition... I don't think you can do worse than that."

I laugh. "How did you miss the whole competition?!"

"Well... I was on a mission and I, um, kinda got trapped in a garage thing. I swear that building could survive a nuclear bomb. MJ was furious."

I grin. "I don't blame her!"

Peter stands up, his backpack in hand. "Are you coming to school today?"

I went the day before, but decided not to go yesterday because I was getting tired of people asking me if I was compelled to wear a scarf by a vampire to hide the bite. It was funny the first time, but it got exhausting and felt judgy.

The bruise on my neck was now a scary dark purple, the worst stage it'll reach before desaturating and healing, so I had to wear more than just makeup over it. I don't think the makeup would cover it up too well right now. Thankfully, it was Friday, so I didn't have to worry about this stage of the bruise at school for too long.

"Yeah, why not?" I respond, standing up. "Let me get changed real quick."

When I ran away from home, I failed to grab any clothes, so I've been using some of Peter's (another reason why I need to leave as soon as I can because I'm only in the way and an invasion of his space). I put on his black turtleneck sweater and a pair of baggy jeans, making sure it didn't show the bruise in any possible position I could be in. It covered it just fine. I started to get hot while in this small bathroom, so I left and grabbed my backpack so we could head out and start walking to the train station. Thankfully it was getting colder outside so I wasn't going to overheat.


Today made want to go home and fall onto my bed and die of boredom, but then I remember I don't actually have a home to go to, so I roll my eyes as I dismiss that thought. I walk with MJ to the room where we are having today's AcDec club meeting. The other seven are sitting on the platform or standing on the ground next to the platform, getting their questions ready to ask each other. The Academic Decathlon topic this year is the 1960's, so all of our questions are based on that.

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