A Coward's Melee - Oviedo

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Chapter 17 - Oviedo

Abaddon’s POV

“I’m sure she’s fine Abaddon, you need to chill.” says Cindy as we make our way into the crowded school. I woke up this morning to an empty bed. Cindy says she left shortly before I had woken up saying she had to go. If it wasn’t for the fact I had hardly slept I would have noticed that.

I know it was most likely to drop off Jake; it still bugged me that she left without telling me. I didn’t see her car in the student parking so she must have gone to pick it up before heading home which peeved me even more, “She could have woken someone up. No, she could have woken me up to tell me or so that I could go with her.” I groan in frustration as Cindy chuckles at me. She thinks it’s so funny but I can’t help it. After what happened yesterday I didn’t want to take the chances of her possibly getting attacked by Azrael’s pack or anything, not that they had the balls to do it anyways. The frown on my face seemed to be making itself at home which I didn’t mind one bit seeing how the student body parted at my presence.

“And look at them go. You really need to teach me how you do that Abaddon.” I gave Abby a small smile at her comment before sitting down at the edge of the table.

The gang nodded in agreement, “Yeah they know better than to mess with our kid.” says Stan high fiving Jonny who returned it slowly.

I roll my eyes at their silliness before looking over to Jonny, “Good to see you again kid.” I say giving him a small smile as well which he returned.

 I was about to ask him how long he’s been hanging with the gang until I was interrupted, “Special deliver for my oh-so charming brood.” says Gabrielle as she makes her way over to the table with Katherine in tow, “Found her on my way to the bleachers and thought I’d join her on her way here. You know, to make sure she gets here safely or we’d have you tarring the walls looking for her.” she says so slyly, making a blush creep it’s onto Katherine’s cheek. I was still upset with Katherine for this morning but I didn’t want to start something I know I wouldn’t finish.

Sighing I turned and looked at her giving her a warm smile and reaching my hand out. She took it and I pulled her to me as she sits her bag down, “Morning.” I mumble as I rested my head on her shoulder, feeling her relax onto me.

“Morning.” she says back as she runs her hand threw my messy hair, combing it through, “You mad?” she asks softly while I shook my head on her shoulder before looking up at her.

“No I’m not, but we still need to talk later okay?” I tell her softly before pressing my lips lightly onto hers, ignoring the almost instinctual feeling of wanting more than just a small kiss from her.

I saw a small blush make its way onto her cheeks as we heard a conjoint ‘Awww’ from the group behind us, making her put her head down in attempt to hide in her golden hair, “You guys are too cute, aren’t they?” asks, well more like states, Kelsey while looking at her boyfriend who just nods his head with that goofy smile of his while the rest of the gang just nodded their head; all except one.

“So it’s true then? You two are…” says Abby, as if she didn’t really believe what everyone else seemed to have gotten. Before I got the chance to answer the morning bell rang, signaling the start of homeroom.  Everyone at the table waved their goodbyes and headed from their homeroom and I did the same as Katherine pulled me along with her and Gabrielle. I had forgotten she was in homeroom as well. I seriously need to start paying more attention to my surroundings, I’ve been slacking lately.

Yeah it’s pathetic the hold that human has on you isn’t it?

I ignore my other half, shaking the feeling of it off as I notice I’m already in class, seated nonetheless. The negative thoughts have been a constant thing since the eerie voice in my head from last night. Feeling the need to ignore it I, yet again, shook it off as my inner demons trying to get the better of me; or how I say it, my other half. Sighing softly I rub my temple trying to compose myself as Katherine chatted away with Gabrielle before they both turned to look at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2013 ⏰

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