A Coward's Melee - Katy

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Chapter 15 - Katy

Azrael’s POV

I shut my eyes tight, biting my lip, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of hearing me in pain. I’m on my knees, facing the wall with my hands are chained up on it, my bare back facing him. I feel the whip hit my back once more before he stops and takes in his current work.

“Hmm…not bad if I do say so myself, though I’ve always hated how fast you heal. Never lets me take in my work properly.” He says more to himself then to me. I stay still no longer finding the will to fight. It’s been like this for three lifetimes since his family did the impossible. They captured death…captured me. I should be use to this but you want to know what the worst thing is? The only person I give a shit about probably thinks I’m a monster, “Azrael, you’re being extremely quiet this evening?” he asks me as if we were having a casual dinner, and I thought I was sick.

“I have nothing to say father.” I spit out, glaring at the wall, hating how far I’ve fallen. It feels worse than the first time.

I hear him chuckle, putting down the whip and sitting down, “Now now dear, you brought this upon yourself. If you would have had a stronger grip on Abaddon then I wouldn’t have to punish you right now, it breaks my heart.” He says in an almost sincere voice but I know he’s lying. He always is, “Now we have to try and make her come back to us, my way. We’ve tried it your way and you’ve failed, again. I think you need to come to the conclusion that my father was right and that you’ve already lost her.”

“Fuck you!” I yell, about to try and break the chains when I suddenly feel drained.

“Now now, we don’t want you bringing down this whole place now do we?” he says while pressing the watch onto my back, making me completely powerless, “I’ll be leaving now, I hope you have a better attitude when you get back home.” He says before walking out of the room, leaving me to my own misery.

Abaddon’s POV

Run! Run! Run!

That is the only thing running through the persons head.

Is that me?

They keep running, not daring to look behind their shoulders; scared to see what they feared the most.  Wanting nothing more than to leave that place and never return. They saw a clearing up ahead making them run faster. Their breathing was heavy; their clothes were torn and bloody. They looked like a POW and that’s exactly how they felt. They knew they were not in the clear just yet and as they were about to reach the clearing, a hand pulled them back in one quick movement, bring them down hard. The figure opened their eyes to stare into another pair they knew all too well.

The dark, crystal blue eyes of their former beloved that held many of things, sadness being one of them, “Don’t.” the figure whispered to them, “I won’t do it, I can’t.”

The opposing figures blue eye’s remained the same, as if knowing that was the answer all along, “I know… and I’m sorry.” They whispered back before shoving the blade threw them.

Jolting awake, my breathing heavy as I tried to collect myself after that dream or what I assume is another memory. Just like majority of them, it brought more questions than answers. It had been a while since I had a dream like that so it shook me up a bit. Deciding to go back to it later I tried to go back to sleep only to have the sun hit my face making me realize I had been up longer then I had thought. I think the sun might have something against me if it’s always ruining my sleep like this, or in this case, my attempt at it. Trying to hide from the horrible rays I moved my head further into my pillow. I lifted my head a bit and took a peak at the girl next to me, her arms wrapped around my waist in an almost protective manner while her legs are tangled in my own. I continually stared at her face, taking in her peaceful features. The way her hair fell on her face in a messy, untamed manner. Or the way her lips parted a fragment of a portion as she slept.  As I watched her there it came to my attention that the nagging feeling in my stomach was not there today, disappearing like it always does around this girl. I laid there just feeling…content.

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