A Coward's Melee - Trojans

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Chapter 1 - Trojans

I feel another punch land on the side of my face. They pain radiating all over, but still I do nothing to stop it.

“Come on bitch! Not so tough now eh?” the man slurs out, throwing a kick to my side. Wincing from the blow, I turn around and take in my surroundings. Great! This is why people don’t like allies anymore.

My wincing makes a small grin appears on the man’s lips. “What? Nothing clever to say anymore?” he starts laughing, causing my anger to boil. No Abaddon, don’t lose it, it’ll be over soon. Looking back to his mates, still laughing he calls out to them “Look at this poor excuse for a human being. Not even lifting a finger. Bitch’s all bark and no bite. Come on, beg me girly.” The rest of his mates start laughing and shouting god knows what because by that point I was pretty much losing it.

“Oh I’m sorry; I was waiting till you stopped hitting like a 10 year old girl.” I stated while standing up with a smug grin on my face. This pretty much put a frown on the guys face.

“Stupid bit-“ cutting midsentence due to my fist smashing his face, launching him halfway down the alley.

“You guys wanna play? Lets play” I say walking towards them, with that looking in their eyes that I knew all too well. Fear.


“Augh! So close!” I shout into my pillow.

After my little…um….incident in the ally, I left not wanting to wait around for anyone to see me next to their bodies. That wouldn’t go very good for me. Anyways, I moved onto the next city couple of miles away and found a hotel to stay in for the night. Sighing a little, disappointed in the fact that I couldn’t just wait it out instead of fighting. So tired of fighting…

A loud beeping sound wakes me from my inner thoughts causing me to jump a bit.

I frown at the alarm clock on the desk next to me, “Stupid alarm” I mumble to myself as I turn it off. “Guess it’s time to move on…again.”

Name’s Abaddon Duval, 18 years old, and I am a werewolf. I like to think of myself as the “lone-wolf”, but that’s just me. I use to have a pack, but that was a long time ago.

Sighing at my short monologue, I grab some close out of my bag and go hit the showers. After the shower I get dressed into some dark rude skinny jeans and a pain white v-neck. Looking at myself in the bathroom’s mirror I saw a girl with short messy black hair, clear brown eyes and a light intermediate complication, with tattooed covered sleeves staring at me with a smug expression on her pierced lips. I don’t mean to sound cocky but I know what I got and the spider bites and tats just add to it. Slip on my chucks, beanie and aviators before grabbing my bag and heading out to return the key. I enter the building and move towards the girl eyeing me from the front desk.

“Hey miss mysterious what can I do for you?” she asks me with a flirtatious smile on her face.

“Oh plenty,” I say while leaning in a bit, “but for now I’d just like to return my room key.” I smile back and hand her the key.

She laughs and takes the keys, “Tease,” she says while I’m walking away, giving me the slightest of ego boosts.

As I’m walking down the road I hear someone yelling up ahead.

“Dammit John you’re a man aren’t you suppose to be able to, I don’t know, like change a tire or something?” I hear someone yell. I turn my head a bit and see three people. A girl, who I couldn’t see clearly, that was inside the convertible while, who I’m guessing is John, is being yelled at by the feisty looking brunette.

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