Glimpses 2

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"Hey! Open the door!" He knocked the door. He knocked several times but she didn't opened it.

"Open the DAMN DOOR!" He lost his calm. She flinched. When she didn't opened it he took the spare keys and opened it himself.

He came in and found her sitting near the wall at the side of door. His heart ached at the sight in front of her. She was so messed up. She was hugging her knees to her chest. Her eyes were swollen because of crying, breathing was uneven and tears weren't stopping.

He came near her and crouched in front of her.
"Heyyy! Baccha! What happened? Why are you crying?"

She sobbed between hiccups. He came close to her and cupped his face. "Shhh. Calm down first. Take breathe. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale." She did as he said.

When she was a little better he asked, "Now tell me what happened?"

She tried to speak," to tou-ch me....." and again broke down in tears. He was not in the state to understand anything. He just closed the gap between and hugged her securely.
She was sobbing. Badly.

When his hands touched her back he found that her dress was ripped off. His blood started to boil.

They stayed like that for an hour. She was letting out her pain through her tears and he was trying to console her and was rubbing her back. His shirt was wet by now. He didn't said a single word. He just didn't knew what to say.

After sometime she stopped crying and her sobs couldn't be heard. She was asleep. He scooped her small figure in his hand and took her to bed. Her face was pale. Dry tears were strained on her cheeks.

He took out her handkerchief and dipped it in glass of water placed on side table. He wiped her cheeks with wet cloth and tucked her in duvet.

He placed a hand on her cheek and said, "I'm sorry that you had to went through all this. I won't spare that bastard who tried to touch you, baccha."

"I'm sorry..." he whispered and a tear that was somewhere lost behind his eyes for a year escaped. Your heart suffers too when you see your loved one suffering.

He sat on the floor and took her hand in his and let out his pain too.

He cried. Once again, only for his love.

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