1.Bon voyage

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1867, English harbour

She stood at the helm of the large ship. People walking about the pier in a hurry and servants carrying luggage and cargo up and down, to an' fro. She looked at her blonde haired brother and her white blonde haired sister in law carrying her shockingly brown hair toddler son.
"Louisa !", he screamed.  His eyes red flushed.

"Brother!". She screamed , throwing out any etiquette out the window.

Her eyes flushed. Tears falling down her ivory cheeks. "I will live my life. You don't owe me anything. Live your life!". She screamed her voice hoarse. Some people looked back to them and then looked away . Seemingly used to it.

The English Channel widened to accept Louisa into its arms. The boat moved away with a Chun of the engine and steam.

Her brother looked at his wife and child but still cried. His wife cried with a sad face  with self blame.
They went back to their apartment.
"I am sorry". She said. He hugged her ",I would have made the same choice everytime. Besides , she would have run away. It's better when I know where she is going so I can find her at any time." She nodded at his words.

In the morning she came back from the market. Holding a basket , and she met her parents who were on a cow wagon with vegetables and other things.

"Isabel?". A voice called out she was in a daze. That voice was similar. "Isabel!". She stopped she heard a louder male voice. That's her parents. She turned and saw them. They had aged. They looked so much older. So much white hair and wrinkles.

"Ma.." she froze. They approached her. Her hands tightened on her basket. Her hands white. Her breathing short.

"No!" She then fainted. The old lady quickly hugged her.

Some of the people knew Isabel was the wife of the banker who moved to London from Trinket town. So when they saw the strange couple rush Isabel to the Doctors ,they took the initiative to tell her husband.

Devin was shocked. He took money and ran to the hospital. Her parents sat by the her bed. They had just paid with their last money in their hands as they had yet to sell their goods.

The doctor said ",Nothing serious. Just a shock is all". He said packing up his medical case and giving them a maroon glass bottle.
"Give her that , to take after dinner each day for a month.  She can come back for a check up in month".

They nodded. In their minds their daughter is most likely tired from being in the brothel. And can't sleep so they were washed with tears even more. Then Devin came in with a loud voice "Isabel?". And he got in and saw her on the bed. He ignored everyone and got to the ,put the baby by her feet and touched her forehead ",What's wrong with my wife?". He asked the doctor.

Her parents were shocked. She is married. Then they looked at the little cherubim like baby . Well dressed and fat and cute. Ans suddenly they were relieved.
"Ow nothing. Your wife is tired , anxious and stressed. ". The doctor wanted to watch a good show.

"Yes well these past few days have been hard for me and my family. Particularly Isabel who takes everything too much on herself". He said fondly wiping her forehead. Then he said standing ",Thank you for helping my wife. I should reimburse your money and thank you -".

"You don't need to. She is my own daughter". Isabel's mother , Nancy said. Her voice shaking. She saw this young man, he is strong and elegant. Definitely not a dandy.

"Her mother ? Wasn't she sold to the -" he paused and looked at the doctor. The doctor said "Don't worry. Patient confidentiality. I am surprised though young Lord. Marrying a woman out of the brothel? Did you visit once and had fun and decided to have her exclusively to yourself?". He joked.
Devin didn't hesitate. He punched him he fell back against his table dropping some medication.
"Why are you pretending you be pure? She is not pure either? Who knows how many people she slept with? Or is she a stepmother? I know that prostitutes are given medication that renders them infertile?" .he laughed.

Mail Ordered Bride . Louisa's journeyWhere stories live. Discover now