4. Plans

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In the morning they were still discussing what to do with Louisa.
"Mom, I can't be dishonorable. I have to tell the truth. "
"Okay. It's just that I hate that everytime you have progress, Morgan comes to your life again". His mother said.
"Mom , we can't talk about Morgan. Okay. We agreed on this". Larry said.

"Okay , Madeline you must not speak I'll of the dead". Petek Storm said.
"Alright. How did he hold up last night?".
"He was very sad. He cried the entire time. I fear him getting sick. Mom do you have something to calm him down or help him sleep?". He asked his eyes black.
"How are you holding up?". Asked Peter.

"I am going to cancel the marriage. Having a stepmom so soon after such a big change could cause serious trauma. So I will delay my wedding for three more years. " He said.

"No, you must get married. What he needs is change. Needs new environment ". Said Madeline.

"Anyhow, I will ask Miss King about it. "
"When are leaving ?". Asked Peter.
"I am supposed to catch the train to the harbour today in the evening. ".

"Ow right ,based on the weather she is to arrive this week or next week". Sighed Madeline.

"Yeah well. I was going to camp there in order to catch her. " Sighed Larry.

It was only when he went to wake up the little boy at noon did he realise the child was missing.

Panicking they ran over the farm to look. Then they went outside the farm on horseback to look for him. Asking the neighbours for help using a bell in the yard rung hard by Madeline her face awash with sadness.

It was only today that they realised Larry had a son who was withheld from him and now is missing.

In the evening his father said ",Go. Take the train. We will find him ".
"No. Miss King will find me even less of a man if I do so. " So he sold his ticket to Mr Crit at a lower price and they searched till almost midnight. When they heard a dog barking and they saw their dog barking at them and going back and forth in place while looking agitated.

They followed the dog on horse back and found the little boy in a tree house that was seriously dilapidated and on the brink of falling into a fast flowing Brock. The little boy was lying in the tree house limp.

"Harry!". Larry screamed putting his torch on the ground and running.
Peter ran after him and said ",No don't . If be moves the house will fall into the Brock. ". He held Larry.

"Uh...let me stay here. So that I don't cause trouble for you. I can look after myself. I am a big boy ". He said weakly. Voice hoarse. Lips parched.
Larry's eyes flushed ",That's not true. Yu are no trouble to me. You are my son! You hear me! My son! I would do anything for you!". He cried.

"Liar. Your new wife doesn't want me". He said.
."if she doesn't want you, we don't want her okay? I promise you!". Larry said.
"Really ?"
"Pinky promise?".
"Pinky promise. Cross my heart ,hope to die ". Larry said anxiously walking under the old tree trunk. Finding a careful place to climb and he stood outside the window of the tree house on the branch and said "Jump. I will catch you. I promise. From now on whenever you stumble and fall I will catch you. Whenever you fill like giving up or it's too hard you can just throw it all to me and I will carry it. I promise you. "He said sincerely.

The people below , though fearfully they were also tearing.

Madeline arrived in a hurry ,breathing harshly and then drew a harsh breath when she saw her son and grandson in such a dangerous her legs weakened. Her husband caught her.

Harry looked at this man. This man looked at him nicer than what his daddy used to look at him. Only his mother looked at him like this ,but mommy's eyes were complications. So he jumped. Jumping the tree house feel into the Brock ,shaking the tree. Larry caught the baby and jumped down with him in his arms and covered the boys head and face with his chest and rolled on the tall grass field and came to a stop. The Tree roots tiled and fell over the Brock covering the tree house that broke to pieces. The dust rose up fast. Everyone rushed to check on the two. Seeing only a bleeding Larry with a shallow cut below his jaw and above his eyebrow some blood and bruises on his arms and elbows. The little boy only had dust and small scratches plus being hungry for the entire day , being frightened and emotionally unstable he fell into shock.

They were busy for two days with the doctor and making sure Harry healed as quickly as possible. By the time Larry realised it, it was late. A week passed by Louisa should have arrived. So he took the four horses at home and strapped the covered cart and left just before dawn.

Meanwhile Louisa had just arrived at the harbour of new York. She paid the boat boy alot of money to take her luggage out. She looked at her room on the boat one last time and took a deep breath in.
"Miss, let's go".
"Yes. Let's go".

Arriving at the busy harbour , smelling a mixture of smells and seeing the scorching sun and loud noise. She frowned.

Undoubtedly, she made a minority of hundreds of people pause and look at her. She as majestic wearing a deep purple dress with a hat and tight corset. Not to mention her luggage packed on the crate that made a mountain. After paying the boy she said to the nearest company of men eating buns but paused to look at her. "Hello gentlemen. Can I trouble you to ask if a Larry Storm came by these few days?".
"No pretty lady. We haven't seen or heard of him". Said Tom standing up. Dusting his clothes. You must know he left his bin on the ground. Normally he is reluctant to leave a crumb to fall.
"Ow ofcourse. Um can I trouble you to help me find a respectable inn and help transport my luggage there. Ow I will pay handsomely". She said.
"How much?".
"In pounds". She smiled. The other three men stood up and volunteered themselves.
"You don't need to fight. I will pay generously as long as you treat me well". She smiled.

She made full use of her charms. Don't think she hasn't noticed the other people looking at her and her luggage.
"I have a relative here , she is Uhm Vicky Storm ? I just don't know how close she is to this parts of the city". She said carefully.

"Ow Vicky! I know her!". Said a little boy on the side.
"Okay , You take me to her amd you also get the same as these men". Then winked at the boy. He flushed.

He led them away from the harbour. After crossing two roads they saw the shop front , Seven seas inn.
"Mom do you think Aunt Louisa will really come? ". Asked a teenage boy.
"You call her aunt yet doubt her arrival. How contradiction of you Alan". She smiled closing the till.

Hearing the door bell ring she looked up and saw a skinny woman. "Are you Miss King?". She asked.

"Uh no. I wanted to ask for change of pounds to dollars and a train ticket to Dallas. It is said you help out well".

Vicky nodded ",Follow Alan here. "
"Thank you". She nodded shyly and left with Alan.
The door bell rand again. "Welcome to seven sea-". Her voice got stuck. She saw a queen. Or how a queen aught to look.
She was flabbergasted.

"Pardon me. Are you Vicky Storm?".  Louisa  asked when she saw her starring blanky.
"Uh yes. I am. Do you need to change pounds or a train ticket?". She heard herself say.
"Uh yes. I need both. I also would like to ask if Larry Storm had come here ? He said he will wait for me here?". She inquired.

"You are miss King?". She screamed in shock. Looking at the piles of luggage.

"Yes. It seems I found the right place. Here you are boys". She paid each a pound and half.

Vicky's heart broke. The little boy got two pounds. She gave him loose money so he and all the others didn't notice.

Then after greetings , Louisa realised her bethroed had yet to arrive. So she decided to take the train and go to him. She will take it as a trip. Vicky wanted to dissuade her but she was stubborn. So when her husband and son returned, she helped Louisa change hundred pounds to dollars. Helped her buy a deluxe cabin in the train and after a brief nap and some dinner she bid them buy and took the train. Her heart disappointed at Larry's failure to come. But comforted by the idea of his relatives on the harbour being real. A dilemma.

Author's notes

Love Aurriccah.

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