2. My choice

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Sitting in her room , Louisa looked at the plethora of newspapers  and took the scissors and cut out the men who wrote as thought decent people. They were twenty . She took out those who were of the right age. They were around seven. So she took a pen and wrote them all. Expressed her interest. Then submitted them in the fast mail. Though pricer the route was quicker.

After mailing them , she was lighter and able to smile more. While she was working ,her mistress once again tried to introduce Youngman to her. She refused because she had a bad experience.

A month later the first letter came. Mr Brown from Kansas. He explained that he was a young man of thirty three. She rolled her eyes to this while sitting by the window.
He is widowed and two young children. If you marry over you can only have a child after five years. It is reasonable but it makes people feel like he is a snob and too controlling.

She dismissed it.  She recieved a second letter from Mr Washington. He was single , and had no child. Slightly poor but honest in how writing. She frowned. An uneducated man will feel pressured by her and eventually the imbalance of power will lead to fights. She burned.

The third letter came from Mr Storm in Texas . He seemed educated ,but poor since he explained that women are rare and his conditions though not poor , women in the area can get better why wrong themselves. He is now twenty seven doesn't have children. She put him aside in the drawer and went out to her chores.

Eventually all the letter returned. And her best impression was Mr Harley. He owns a farm. His wife died of dystocia and the baby too. He is the only child. And owns a large ranch in the south. He even attached a handsome photo of himself. She wrote him a letter. While waiting her turn she heard three girls speaking.

"Are you sending another letter Margot? This is your forth letter correspondence?".her friend asked.
"That's the nice thing about letter courting. Your reputation stays intact. As long as you don't give off your real identity or your real address. " Margot said her blonde curls moving to the side of her head with her movements.

Louisa froze in fear. But leaned in better to listen.
"Yes. But that is also not full proof. Approximately twenty girls were discovered on the boat they thought would take them to the Americas but was taking them to Spain and Portuguese and Italy  to be sold to rich men. They tell you they were widowed. And had no children and were hiers. The girls were lucky. But more and more girls get cheated. When you want to be successful in letter marriages you must only approve National news papers. " Kate said to her friends. They gasped.

"That's terrible".

"Excuse me. Sorry. I couldn't help but overhear. Does this person...uh organisation use this kind of rhetoric?". She asked showing them the news article, letter and photo. Kate nodded hastily. "Yes. Different names ,but same photo. Probably cause most girls don't tell others about this as they are ashamed so you are all fooled by one handsome photo. It's good you were  eavesdropping. "Kate smiled.

"Thank you ". She turned and went to the table by the window in the post office. Remembered that only Mr Storm was on the national news paper. So she wrote down a letter hastily and stated her terms and went back to queue and submitted before changing her minds.  As well as the most probable date to leave which is placed. To ten months later.

Thus they corresponded for a few months waiting for the letter few weeks each time and finally they settled the date to mail.

She settled her job. " Good luck Louisa. I hope you find what you are looking for in London". Said her mistress. No one knew she was going beyond the English shores.

She bid goodbye to everyone in tears and her mother couldn't help panic. But she thought , just London. It's not too far.

She went to bed brother's house without authorisation and found him supporting a pregnant woman , holding her waist fondly. She said outloud "Devin!". She cried.

"Louisa !". The people around looked as though a prostitute came to disturb the husband and wife. But Isabel calmed down when she head the name. He let go of Isabella and laughed. "What did the cat drag in to town. Does Mom know you are here?". He laughed.
"Hello brother !". She laughed giving him a side hug. He squeezed her shoulder and brought her to his wife.
"Brother , Mom doesn't know she is expecting a grandchild does she. Tsk tsk". She shook her head.
He pointed at her forehead with his finger tenderly "I can't deal with you. How long are you staying? Where will you be staying ? My house has only one bed just so you know". He said.
She laughed angrily ". I am at the hotel. I am only here for a brief visit. I am not staying long . "

Later that evening.

"No ! Louisa I cannot allow this. You don't know man ! You don't know this man ! ".
He said angrily.
Isabel sat by the bed in the open plan house. Holding her belly in fear. She hadn't seen her husband this angry in a long time.
" I am an adult woman brother! You don't make my decisions for me!". She said outloud.

"Yes I can. I am your brother and I know what best for you !".
"No you don't. All the men in this country look at me and they see a prostitute. A women with loose morals. Not worth marrying!". She screamed. "I am not happy here!". She cried.

Isabel cried ",Atleast you have a good brother and parents who love you. I was sold for five years in a brothel -".
"Isabel quiet". Devin said looking at her with wide eyes.
"Louisa you have to know your brother loves you very much and he is willing to do anything for you". She continued.

"Then tell him to let me go. Anyways. I am leaving in three months. " She said.

They parted on bad terms that day. The next day , Isabel gave birth to a baby boy with bald head with sparse blonde hair.
Her nephew was called Kevin Dante King. He was adored and cared for. She moved to a cheaper inn nearby to them to help them look after the child.

Then she told Devin ",I am leaving. Otherwise I will tell Mom about your family. ".

"You....you won't stop till you get hurt right?". His eyes flushed in anger ,veins popping.

"It's better to be a blind marriage to a man who has never seen me before than these who make me naked soon as they see me. " She said with sadness. He was touched and let go. The guilt churning in his heart.

He rearranged her travel tickets she received from her husband. He sold them and bought deluxe ones. Hoping to atone for this sin.

"Next year let's tell our parents". Isabel said.
"Are you sure?". Devin asked.
"Yes. No regrets. You shouldn't have any regrets either. In January after the new year , let's tell them in month". She said.

They looked at Louisa who looked like a free bird on the boat. As if her shackles were let loose.

He nodded.

Back to present.

Louisa sighed looking out her round window to see the endless blue. No turning back now.

Mrs King was sitting in her house her heart was beating very fast.

"What's wrong my dear?". Her husband asked entering the house and touching her shoulders.

"I feel something is wrong with the children!".she cried looking at her husband.

"You shouldn't feel some hypertension? Maybe hot flushes and menopause?".

Her face morphed  into anger "Mr King houw could you!". She screamed standing up.

Mr King laughed kissing her temples ",My dear you worry too much. It must be because Tracy is terrorising poor Thomas again. "

Mrs King was amused. Her eleven year old daughter is terrorising the poor Priest's son who is only thirteen, shy and small.

Author's note


Love you all. Thank you lovelies.



Mail Ordered Bride . Louisa's journeyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon