Chapter One

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I was up and ready for school by 7:30 am, checking off the last box on my checklist for the morning, but I felt like something was missing...

"Mari are you up?" My mom called from downstairs. I checked myself in the mirror once again before grabbing my school bag and walking downstairs.

"¡Si, mama! I'm already ready to go!"

"So early? We don't need to leave for another forty-five minutes, sweetie"

"Yeah, but besides the fact that I feel like I should be up early as America's schools start so early, I mean it's seriously a great idea to start school at 8:45 rather than 7:45 but anyway, it gives me more time to watch Wakfu!" I set my book bag on the floor.


"Yeah!" I start pouring cereal into my bowl, then milk "I've taken it upon myself to watch more French animation since we live here now, and though I've watched a lot of anime Wakfu is practically an anime and besides that it's really good, so yes, Wakfu!" I continued rambling as I ate my breakfast. "I only just started the second season recently but it's still really good so far! Here, I'll show you" I brought my breakfast to the living room and turned on the tv, ready to put on Wakfu.

"Mari, I'd love to but I still need to get ready for work, okay? Go on without me, just don't spill anything on the couch!" She heads upstairs to finish getting ready in her room, and I continue watching Wakfu where I left off.

. . .

'Holy shit, this school is huge! How did my parents pay for this?' I think, stepping out of the car, looking up at the huge private school before me, François Dupont High School. It looked fancy as all hell. I see students flooding in, but I turn back to face mama in the car when she calls my name.

"Just let me know if you need anything, okay?" She gives me a soft smile, and I throw up a thumbs up in return.

After taking a few deep breaths, I walk inside the building, looking at the sheet I wrote for myself of my locker and class number. Finding my locker was easy enough for me, but finding my class number was the hard part. I feel like the school is bigger on the inside. After a while of wandering around I had walked past at least a dozen classrooms, none of them the one I was assigned to. Five minutes until class starts, and I feel like the ticking of the clocks in this building are growing louder, making my heart beat just as loud, and faster with every passing second. I feel my stomach tying itself into knots as I speed-walk down the halls faster, trying to find the room.

"Hey, um, are you lost?" Some girl said as she touched my shoulder, almost making me jump out of my skin. I came face to face with a girl with short navy hair in pigtails, and bluebell eyes. She's tall, but everyone is tall compared to my 5' 2" self.

"Oh, yeah actually. I'm trying to find this room number" I show her the room number on my sheet.

She smiles, "I'm actually in the same class as you! Follow me," I do as she says and follow behind her into our classroom, the teacher greeting us and taking down my name, telling me that my seat is next to the guy with the red hair in the back of the class, saying his name was Nathaniel.

"I'm surprised people actually transfer this late into the year. I'm Nathaniel, as I'm sure our teacher told you. What's your name?" He asked, giving me a light smile.

"I'm Mari, and I mean, it's not that late into the school year, it's only October 13th" I reply. Sure, I transferred almost two months into the school year, but its better than, like, transferring three months into the school.

"I don't know, I still think that's a while..." He mutters; he then pulls out his sketchbook and a red mechanical pencil that matches his dyed hair exactly. I look around the room, two minutes until class starts and there's still a few stragglers left coming in the classroom. I see a few people looking at me, then talking with their friends. My stomach ache worsens, are they talking about me?

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