Chapter Five: Part One

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"Evillustrator?" I can't help but stutter, an akuma taking hold of my own classmate. I can't transform into AxoVolt in front of him, or else he could tell Hawkmoth somehow, right? I back up until my back hits my locker, looking up at him as he walks towards me.

"It's okay, you're safe now" He holds out his hand for me to take.

I hold my hand close to my chest, "Are you going to hurt me?"

"You? You're Maricielo, you're nice, understanding, and you're cool. I wouldn't hurt you, you're my friend." He smiles.

"My... friend?" I mutter. He simply nods. I take his hand.

He helps me up from the ground, and he holds onto his pencil, drawing something on the magical drawing tablet that materialized when he transformed into Evillustrator.

"Now, let's go find Chloe. She won't hurt you again" He tried to take a step forward, but I grabbed onto his arm, holding him back, making him turn back towards me.

"Why do you want to find Chloe?"

"To get my revenge, of course!"

I shake my head, "No, no, you can't hurt her! Even if she does deserve it..."

Evillustrator laughs, patting my head like I'm a child, "I get it! You're scared, and that's okay! I'll take care of her myself" He runs off, out of the locker room, to find Chloe.

I groan. 'It's all my fault he got akumatized. Once we saw Chloe I should've made us turn around, I should've stood between them, I should've tried to calm him down, I should've-'

"Hey! Snap out of it!" Aluzzo slaps my cheek with their tiny hands, snapping me back to reality. "We got a villain to catch before he does any damage to Chloe!"

"Are you crazy?! I can't stop him!"

"You're gonna have to! It's your job now!"

"Can I at least wait until Chat Noir and Ladybug come?"

"No! Now let's go! There's no time! Move, move, move!"

I groaned, running into the empty girls bathroom, making sure no one saw me, and I transformed into AxoVolt. "I really don't think I can do this, I'm starting to get a stomachache.'' I ran back out, no one occupying this hallway, and I ran down to the next section of the building, seeing some stray students staring at me. 'It's weird to have all these eyes on me' I think.

"I caught wind that you were blown away by a hairy situation!" I heard Chat Noir's loud voice over what sounded like a hairdryer as I passed one of the libraries. I peeked my head into the room, seeing Ladybug riding a giant hair dryer, and Chloe running out of the library from another exit.

"Fewer puns, more action!" Ladybug yelled, prompting Chat Noir to pull out his staff and attempt to whack the hair dryer, but missing. I guess despite their debut being a bit over a month ago, they were still new at this. I look up to see Evillustrator watching from the balcony of the library, and his annoyed face as Ladybug destroys the magical hair dryer. I run into the room as he's a bit distracted with Chat Noir and Ladybug, jumping up and pulling out my own metal staff, mashing the buttons to make the net pop out. I swing it at Evillustrator, but I barely miss him as he creates a wall between us and him with his magical drawing powers. Ladybug and Chat Noir accidentally smash their faces against the glass wall, and Evillustrator escapes.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I guess I should've jumped in sooner, we almost got him!" I say with an awkward smile, making my staff shrink back down to size, but I still hold onto it.

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