Chapter Four

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I was ready by 8am for school the next morning, still tired as a result of yesterday's escapades. Chat Noir was a really nice guy, and I'm glad that I met one of my teammates already. I wonder when I'll be able to meet Ladybug -- will I accidentally run her over and off a building or will it be a normal encounter while practicing or during a fight?

I fiddle with the charm of my miraculous as I eat breakfast, my mom making her own in the kitchen. I had the overwhelming urge to tell her everything about the miraculous, Aluzzo, being AxoVolt; I'm used to telling her everything (or rather, having her pry information out of me constantly). I hold my tongue, I don't think I'd be allowed to be AxoVolt anymore if I told anyone, and even though it'd be much easier to be a normal person with a normal life, I'm obviously needed if I was given the gift of the miraculous. I keep eating my cereal.

"That's a nice necklace, honey, where'd you get it?" my mom asked as she took a seat next to be at the dining room table. I almost choked on my food, barely swallowing before being able to create an excuse.

"Um, my classmate Marinette made it for me. You know, that girl I told you about, how she's super clumsy? She makes clothes and stuff and she's experimenting with making jewelry so she made me this." I give her an awkward smile. Marinette briefly told me at one point she like fashion designing so this isn't a complete lie, just a half truth.

She just looked at me and stared at the choker for a minute, "Oh, that's nice of her. I didn't know you two were friend."

"I think we're friends"

"You think?"

"You know how it is"

"Right," She takes a bite of her toast "you should invite her over sometime, ask her parents to come by too so I can meet them"

"Sure, I'll ask" I don't know if Marinette is actually a friend, I'd consider her one, but does she consider me her friend? All I know is that asking her, and her parents, over to our place sometime will be incredibly nerve wracking, and awkward.

I just hope my mom doesn't ask about Marinette making the choker.


Surprisingly, Chloe didn't torment me right when I walked into school like I thought she might've because of what happened in the locker room two days ago, but I did notice her icy stare at me all morning as she tried to give Adrien a kiss on the cheek. Ew, someone should report that to the principal. I greeted Marinette and Alya as I walked into class, taking my seat in the back next to Nathaniel, greeting him too before we both pulled out our sketchbooks. We both drew through role call and class.

I couldn't help but be jealous of his all-round all skills, being able to draw just about anything. I could only draw people, and other than that, my drawing skills are shit. This is why I stick to 3D modeling.

I saw Nate write on a note before handing it to me," Your drawings are cool" it read.

"Not as cool as yours!" I wrote back.

"I'm serious"

"I am too" I responded on the note.

"Ahem" I look up to see Miss Bustier looking at us from the middle of the classroom where she stood. I immediately grew embarrassed, noticing classmates staring at us, staring at me, and I felt myself starting to sweat. Chloe and Sabrina were whispering and pointing at me, everyone else not saying anything but not really looking away either. Ivan's hard to read face staring at me, Adrien's piercing green eyes, Marinette's icy blue eyes, Alix's stare empty, it all was making me nauseous. "Please pay attention, or I'll have to separate you two, okay?" She gave us what I think was supposed to be a gentle smile as she walked back to the front of the classroom, but I registered it as a "mess up again and you'll get expelled" kind of sarcastic smile I've seen from teachers before.

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