Chapter Two

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My mom begrudgingly let me walk to the bakery a few blocks down from our apartment before school starts. I wonder what I'll get, but I think I'm leaning towards getting a croissant with some type of filling. I walk inside the bakery to see a small morning crowd, and Marinette standing behind the counter. I wave to her and when she sees me, she smiles brightly and walks over.

"Hey Maricielo! Come to buy some tasty food?" She asks, smiling.

"Yeah, of course! Came here for a late breakfast... but why were you behind the counter?" We walk together to the counter.

"My parents own this place so sometimes I like to help out!"

"Wow, that's pretty cool!"

Marinette stood behind the counter again, grabbing her school bag. Before her dad came next to her, looking at me before turning to Marinette again, who now is standing next to me again.

"Oh, is this your new friend you were talking about, sweetie?" he said.

""You were talking about me? All good things, I hope" I tease Marinette, playfully smiling at her and nudging her arm with my elbow.

"No! I mean, I about you talking wasn't! I mean, I wasn't talking about you! But uh, If I were, which I wasn't, it'd be all good things!"

I laughed at her nervousness to myself and smiled, "Don't worry about it" I told her. She's such a nervous girl for no reason. I turn to Marinette's dad, who was watching our interaction. "Hi, I'm Maricielo, and I'd like a chocolate filled croissant, please!"

. . .

I bopped my head to the music blasting from my headphones as I walked from the school building to the park just across the street during my lunch break. I swung my lunch bag back and forth, taking a seat at an empty bench. I took out my lunch for today, a tuna sandwich I threw together this morning. Not as good as my parents' cooking, but it was decent. I took in the scenery of the park as I ate, the gentle flowing of the wind making the branches sway, and some schoolmates hanging out in the park as well.

I pause my music out of politeness when I notice an old man coming over and sitting at the other end of the bench. I sat next to him in silence, eating my food, the old man strangely comforting as he took in the scenery to relax as well. It wasn't that long before I finished my simple meal. I stood up again, about to leave, when I noticed the old man start to stand up slowly, a bit shaky I noticed, but I didn't think anything of it, until I heard the man fall to the ground, and turned around to face him.

"Are you okay?" I asked, grabbing the cane he dropped and helped him up.

He groaned lightly, and nodded his head, "yes, thank you, you are too kind"

"Are you sure? Are you hurt at all?"

He shook his head, "No, no, I'm okay, thank you" He smiled. "Can Maybe just help me walk to the park gate? I'll be fine after that, I don't live far away."

"Uh, yeah, that's fine!" I said, a bit skeptical, the back of my head thinking that this could take a turn for the worse, but despite my asthma, I can outrun an old man for sure. I take his arm in mine, walking slowly to the park gate. Based on first impressions, he seemed nice enough, content with the help I'm giving him, and he zones out a bit when we walk until we get to the gate.

"Thank you so much," He began "I don't know how I can ever repay you"

"Oh, don't worry about it sir! You don't need to repay me at all." I look at my school, noticing some students heading inside, then back at the old man, giving him a soft smile "Anyways, I should get back to school. Hope you have a good day!" I walk back to the school building.


"That's her, Wayzz, I think she'll be a perfect addition to Chat Noir and Ladybug"

"You think so, master?"

"I know so" the old man clutches onto the small, dark wooden box, and shoves it back in his pocket.


After school, Marinette waved to me as she approached me on the sidewalk in front of the school.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me and my friend Alya for a bit! We wanna get ice cream from Andre's and we'd love for you to tag along!"

I grew a bit nervous, I would love to hang out with them, but...

"I have to ask my mom first, okay? Hold on a second" I confess. I always get embarrassed when it comes to this kind of thing, having to ask for permission when others usually just go. I see Marinette raise her eyebrow before shrugging her shoulders towards Alya who just caught up with her.

I turn around and call my mom, "Mom?"

"Si, ¿que pasa? You okay?"

"Yeah, I was just wondering if I could go out with some friends today?"


"Um, now?"

"Now? No no, you're supposed to come home now"

"Well that's why I wanted to ask to see if I can come home after I hang out with them-"

"Well you should've asked me ahead of time"

"They only just invited me!" I tried to explain.

"Well tell them that you need to ask more ahead of time, you dad is expecting you at home in ten minutes"

"It takes fifteen minutes to walk home"

"Well better get going then. I'll see you at home later, sweetie"

"Okay, bye"

"Bye, love you"

I hung up the phone.

I explained the discussion with my mom to Alya and Marinette, they both seemed disappointed, I think? It's hard to tell how people are feeling sometimes.

"Well, I guess we'll see you tomorrow then?" Alya asked.

"Like I have a choice," I laughed "Yeah, I'll see you then, guys." We part our separate ways. I can't help but be upset, my mom is always way too strict. Everyone else can go out with their friends except for me, it's not fair!

I distract myself with music, my anger simmering down to acceptance. When I get home, I immediately head to my room to take a nap.


"Damn it!" a mysterious figure shrouded in darkness and glowing butterflies shouted "I don't know what happened, I was so close to evilizing her! I'll get you next time..."


I woke up an hour later, lethargic but the rest was necessary. Naps are the best medicine for any mood! I reluctantly got out of bed and opened one of my balcony doors, letting the soft autumn breeze flow in and air out my stuffy room. I stared out at the view, people tiny in my view as I looked down at them, the Eiffel Tower in the distance. I sigh, and walk over to my desk.

"What is this?" I raise an eyebrow at a strange brown box in the middle of my desk, in front of my computer. I picked it up and opened it, but before I could see what was inside, a bright pink light enveloped my room.


A/N; ah, we love cliffhangers and overprotective parents :,)

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