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Morgan noticed that Arthur never bothered about any of his servants but he is so much concerned about Merlin. Is it because of the fact that she sacrificed herself from him or is there something else? Arthur, although doesn't like Merlin teasing him, never wanted to change her or get a new servant.

Even the knights and Gwen thought the same. Did Arthur like Merlin?

Suddenly Merlin twitched her eyelids and after sometime she opened her eyes and although her vision was blury for a bit, she managed to try and sit up properly. The first person she saw was Arthur.

"Arthur." Merlin said softly but everyone heard it.

"Merlin!" Arthur replied with his happiness clearly visible on his face and he had a wide smile this face, something no one had seen before.

"Merlin, oh thank heavens you're ok." Gaius exclaimed.

Morgan and Gwen gave her a hug while the knights cheered for Arthur as he had made it in time and saved Merlin.

"How are you feeling now?" Gwen asked.

"I didn't expect to make it." Merlin replied. "My head's hurting."

"I didn't have an adventure in the forest for nothing, you idiot." Arthur replied.

"You got the antidote?"


"Oh, thank- AH!" Merlin suddenly screamed.

"What happened!? You ok?" Arthur asked.

"Your sword scabbard hit me."

"Oh sorry."

"We'll take your leave, Merlin. Get well soon." Lancelot said as he and the knights prepared to leave.

"We'll also go, we have some more work of tomorrow left." Gwen added.

"Yeah, we'll see you around." Morgan added.

"I'll be coming tomorrow so-"

"Oh no you won't." Arthur interrupted Merlin which made everyone look at them. The knights also stopped and came back in.

"What do you mean?" Merlin asked.

"Merlin, you won't be joining until you make a full recovery."

"Oh come on I'm more fit."

"Oh really?"

"Yes." Merlin said and got up in a hurry and the next second she lost her balance and fell on the ground.

"Is your little bottom sore now? Nice fitness."

"Atleast it isn't as fat as yours."

Everyone laughed.

"This is Merlin." Gwaine stated.

"Alright we don't want to have any fights now." Gaius declared. "It's been a long day and we must head to our beds for some nice sleep."

"I want my bed, Gaius." Merlin said while still on the floor. She was still weak due to the poison and it will take sometime for recovery.

"Where is your chamber?" Gwen asked.

"First floor." Merlin replied as she pointed at her chamber. "I can't move my feet."

"We'll help you." Morgan said. She and Gwen helped her get up but when they saw the staircase, whose stairs were steap and they weren't sure whether they could make it without tripping over.

"Now this problem, Merlin has to be in a comfortable place and that so happens to be up there." Gwen stated.

"Excuse me, sister." Arthur said and Morgan moved aside to give Arthur place next to Merlin.

QUEEN OF DRAGONS       [BBC MERLIN] MERTHURTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon