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Merlin fell. Uther laughed and went along with Mordred to see Merlin's supposedly dead body.

To their dismay Merlin was safe, in Arthur's arms! He had arrived just in time and caught Merlin before she could fall. Not just Arthur but the entire gang was there and looked at them.

"Merlin!" Arthur said as he held Merlin while she rubbed her head and slowly opened her eyes.

"Arthur? It's you!" Merlin said supprised. "How did you find me?"

"I would go ends of the world to find you."

"How did he get here?" Uther asked.

"I have no idea." Mordred replied.

"Didn't you say that no one will find her here!?"

"Well, I have know idea how they got here! It would take them long to reach here unless they travel by air."

"You mean that dragon had them on his back!?"

"You are right!" Kilgharrah landed behind them which shock the entire structure to its foundations.

"What is that!?" Merlin asked while still being carried by Arthur.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Kilgharrah, the great dragon. At your service my queen." Kilgharrah said and bowed down to them.

"I wasn't expecting that."

"The greatest sorceress to ever walk the earth is also the queen of dragons." Arthur stated.

"You aren't mad? I'm sorry for not being able to tell you earlier-"

"Merls, I understand. The conditions were such that you couldn't and when you could I didn't give you a chance."

"So, you're not angry?"

"Someone wise once told me love is about forgiveness and acceptance."

"What are you all looking at my face?!" Uther asked his soldiers. "Catch them!"

The soldiers came running down the stairs and charged towards them. Kilgharrah charged towards them. Some soldiers seperated and went to attack the knights and Arthur. Putting Merlin down Arthur went to face of some soldiers on his own. Meanwhile Mordred, having not learnt his mistake, came to face off Merlin.

"I won't let you win this time." He said.

"Sure." Merlin replied.

They began to walk in circles while they prepared their powers for a nice battle of magic. Aithusa landed on Merlin's right shoulder and growled at Mordred. Uther watched from a distance. It wasn't hard for the knights to deal with the soldiers but they were soon getting outnumbered. Lancelot also saved Gwen from attacking soldiers while Morgan secretly used her magic to help them.

But her father saw it and was convinced that Mordred was right about whatever he said. Walking slowly towards Morgan he caught her and dragged her in the middle of the battle.

"Father!" Morgan yelled as Uther threw her down.

"My own daughter a witch!" Uther yelled back at her.

Everyone paused and looked at them.

"From whom did you learn this?" Uther asked.

Morgan cried and said, "I wasn't ready to believe magic was bad until I tried it out. I learnt magic from the books and scrolls of all whom you killed."

"How dare you learn this!" Uther in the fit of rage drew his sword and just before he could kill his own daughter Merlin came in the way and held back the sword. Blood dropped out of the cut she sustained on her right palm and she pushed the sword away. Uther fell back and by the time he could get up he saw that Merlin had already healed her hand.

Arthur helped his sister up.

"You also?" Arthur asked.

"I'm sorry brother, I was scared."

"I guess the fault was mine. I created a fearful view of myself in the eyes of all magic holders."

Uther wasn't ready to have a truce, he wanted to have a fight.

"What are you all waiting for!? Attack!" He yelled.

The knights got back to their jobs.

"Morgan, you show how powerful you are now!" Gwaine yelled out.

As the fight continued Morgan showed of her powers, although not as powerful as Merlin, she was still able to fend for herself.

QUEEN OF DRAGONS       [BBC MERLIN] MERTHURWhere stories live. Discover now