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"Oh my God!" Leon exclaimed. All of them apart from Arthur were terrified at the sight of a dragon infront of them.

"How the hell are you not terrified!?" Gwaine asked Arthur.

"Because I know about Kilgharrah." Arthur replied as he looked at the mighty dragon.

"Welcome young prince." Kilgharrah said. "Welcome, princess, brave knights and sweet girl."

"I've never seen a dragon in my life." Lancelot said.

"What are my orders, young prince?"

"Who am I to order you?" Arthur asked Kilgharrah back.

"You are the future groom of the queen of dragons."

"Take us to Merlin."

"I am chained. Only Excalibur can set me free."

"Well, thanks to the queen of dragons I have gotten Excalibur."

Arthur jumped off the cliff and sliced all the chains and set the great dragon free. He immerged from the cliff riding on Kilgharrah's back.

"Hop on!" He instructed his troop and they obeyed him. After who knows how many years Kilgharrah burst out of the cave and flew in the sky which terrified the people below. Immediately they began to run for the hills. Some soldiers tried to throw spears at the great dragon but he was too high for the spears to reach.

"I wonder what sticks they throw at me." Kilgharrah stated.

"This isn't working!" One soldier yelled.

Meanwhile, while still in his court room Uther was suprised to see Lady Vivienne walking towards him. After the ceremony he didn't expect to meet her and now she comes walking to him.

"How is it that you enter without my permission?" He asked in his harsh voice.

"Well, I did help you getting to know Merlin's true side."

"That doesn't change the question. What are you even doing here? Didn't we ban you from returning here?"

"I'm afraid you've banned Lady Vivienne, not me."

"Than who are you?"

Lady Vivienne shape shifted into his original form as Mordred.

"So it's you. Haven't I given a work for you?"

"Well, I am very close to that but there's some obstruction."

"I won't allow that. What is the obstruction?"

"Well, you know that great dragon chained in the cave?"


"It's freed."


"Yes your majesty. Only Excalibur can break those chains."

"That's highly impossible, Excalibur is with Arthur and he is in his chamber."

"Was in his chamber."

"How can you say that?"

"Well, the biggest evidence is the dragon flying in the air."

Uther went to the windows and saw the great dragon just before it could it could disappear in the horizon.

"Arthur." Uther growled and went straight to his son's chamber and Burt's in only to find him gone while the two letters on his bed. Uther picked the letters up and threw them back down and just as he could move he almost missed to bang into Mordred.

"Well, I don't like to increase your worries but your daughter has learnt magic." Mordred said in a calm voice.

"Stop bluffing!" Uther scolded.

QUEEN OF DRAGONS       [BBC MERLIN] MERTHURWhere stories live. Discover now