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Later in the late evening Arthur and his knights set off in a quest for the lake his mother mentioned earlier. They entered the market, passed Gaius' chambers and took the forest route.

"How much longer?" Gwaine asked.

"Mother said that it wasn't that far." Arthur replied. "I wonder why we haven't reached yet."

"You sure you didn't forget the way?" Lancelot asked.

"That's Gwaine's speciality." Leon chuckled.

"Oh please!" Gwaine yelled.

"There's someone walking." Percival pointed. "Holding fish."

There was a peasant walking towards them holding a fishing rod in one hand and a basket of fish in another and few leaves.

"Good day." Arthur greeted. "Is there any lake nearby?"

"Yes sire, there is one, the same route but keep ears open for the lake water lapping." The peasant replied.

"Ok, thank you." Arthur replied.

They countinued their path and kept their ears open and looked in all directions. More five minutes and still no luck until Gwaine accidentally dropped his sword down a small slope covered by grass and small plants.

"Gwaine." Leon stated.

"It was a mistake." Gwaine said and got down from his horse. The others watched as he carefully went down the slope to retrieve his weapon but tripped over a creeper and went tumbling to the bottom.

"Gwaine! You need to learn not to fall." Arthur scolded as they also got down their horses to help their friend.

"I found it!" Gwaine yelled from below.

"We know!" Lancelot replied.

"Not just the sword, the lake as well!"

The four went down the slope carefully and without tripping they made it to the bottom where they saw the beautiful lake with sapphire and aqua marine coloured water and all around were small and huge trees and shrubs on the sand. It was more like a beach.

"This is so beautiful." Arthur exclaimed. "Merlin will definitely like it."

"This place will look amazing at night." Percival added.

"So Arthur, what are our tasks for this place? I mean, you don't have much time left and we can't always escape her sight." Leon stated.

"First we need to clear the path to reach here and have to get Gaius, Gwen and Morgan in our plan as well. We will first have a small celebration at Gaius' chambers and later I will get her here for the main suprise." Arthur explained.

"Will you be writing her a song?" Gwaine asked.

"Ofcourse I will. It'll be better than the first one."

"Any work now?" Lancelot asked.

"Nah, this was all for today better get started with the other preparations while Merlin's resting."

They made their way back to the castle and explained the plan to Gwen and Morgan. They were overjoyed and agreed to help but who would let them go out at night? Uther wouldn't agree but every since Igraine came back, all Uther could do was stay shut and listen to her. Arthur told her about his suprise for Merlin and she too agreed.

"I need you both to keep Merlin busy while I work on the preparations." Arthur told Gwen and Morgan.

"How? That's your job." Morgan answered.

"Just give her many things to do and do your work." Gwen suggested.

"She's too fast!" Arthur replied.

QUEEN OF DRAGONS       [BBC MERLIN] MERTHURWhere stories live. Discover now