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Back to Gaius and Kilgharrah.....they were still talking to eachother in that cave.

"Uther will try his very best to keep them away if he comes to know." Kilgharrah added.

"I hope he doesn't hurt Merlin." Gaius replied.

"To avoid any chances of that Arthur must pull out Excalibur."

"Excalibur? The legendary sword, Excalibur which can only be pulled out by the once and future king?"

"The very I speak of. Arthur is destined to be the once and future king for his people."

"So magic and courage will meet?"

"And the one who comes from them shall be well versed in both."

"Their son, gosh! I wonder how they'll react to it."

"Today is the day Arthur shall pull out Excalibur."

"What about Uther?"

"Don't worry about him what has to happen will happen. I will reveal to you something."


"There shall rise a enemy but evil will be crushed by good, truth and love."

"I must learn more!"

"Not now. Meet me here same time a day before Merlin's eighteenth birthday."

"That's in two weeks."

"Believe me. I mean no harm to them both and let no one know about us meeting."

"I believe."

At the same time, the knights along with Gwen and Morgan came to Gaius' chambers to tell Merlin the news of Gwen and Lancelot's marriage. The knocked on the chamber door but suprised to find that no one answered the door.

"Guys, look, I don't want anyone else finding out about me liking Merlin so I'll be acting normal around her and I'm telling y'all this because y'all shouldn't wonder." Arthur stated as Gwaine knocked.

They agreed on the plan as Uther was a very unpredictable person......they had to tell him when his mood was really good.

"We have to let Gaius know also." Arthur added.

"For that he has to open this door." Morgan replied.

"Merlin!?" Arthur called out.

"Gaius!" Lancelot yelled.

They heard someone falling from inside the chambers and few other things falling from the shelves and maybe a table turning over. They got alert about what must be happening inside. Is someone attacking them? They all began to bang the door but no one answered and suddenly they heard someone walking behind them.

"What are you all doing here?" Gaius asked them from behind.

"You're here!" Gwen replied.

"Yes I was out for a while. What's the problem that y'all violently knock my chamber door?"

"We heard the sound of someone falling down when we knocked before and no one answered." Leon replied.

"Move aside." Gaius said and opened the lock of the door and they found one of the tables fallen on the flour and few things which were meant to be on the shelves were on the floor and sitting on the stool was Merlin.

"Merlin! What happened?!" Arthur asked as he went to her.

"You kept knocking on that door so I had to answer." Merlin replied.

"You couldn't scream out?"

"If I had to scream wouldn't you break the door?"

"That's true."

QUEEN OF DRAGONS       [BBC MERLIN] MERTHURWhere stories live. Discover now