Chapter 6

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Author's note: I'm back :D 

I start getting dressed in my Jurassic World uniform, while Ben is already heading out to work at the Control Room. He has to be there before Jurassic World opens, as he needs to get everything ready. I work at the Control Room after lunch, as in the morning, I can work at the Velociraptor station. To be honest, I don't think I've ever been this excited. 

I grab my phone and head out the door, taking the automatic trains to the Velociraptor station. As soon as I get there, I see my instructor, Owen. I walk up to him. 


He looks at me with a super odd face. Wondering who I am. 

"And you are...." 

"Rachel. I'm the new assistant..." 

"Rachel... Right. Come with me, I'll show you what you do. This may seem boring to you, But I need you to examine the Raptors every day, to make sure they aren't like... Suffering from cancer, I don't know." 

"Seems simple enough..." I mean, how hard can it be? 

"You can do whatever you want, just get back here at 11."

I decided to stay and watch the Velociraptors. Owen seems to be able to control them, but he says it's a relationship based a mutual respect. I honestly can't understand him. It seems like nonsense to me, but he can make it so the Velociraptors don't attack him, which to me seems almost impossible... After he's done, I ask him something.

"Is it possible for me to um... See the Indominus?" 

"Oh, the new field they want me to check? Nah, you probably can't get in." 

I start heading towards the raptors to examine them, checking their pulses, and blood. It amazed me how much they were like birds...  Their bones, everything. 

"Owen, I'm gonna head to the Control Room now, and eat my lunch." 

"Alright. See you later..." 

I start walking towards the train to get there, when Ben pulls up on the driveway in a Jurassic World van. I wonder where he got that... 

"Need a ride?" 


I open the car door and jump inside. 

"How were the raptors?" He asks me. 

"Amazing actually... I couldn't believe it either." 

He just smirks as we start heading towards the Control Room. We head inside and start sitting at our seats. All the new recruits sit together. I see a bunch of people, slacking off actually. 

"So, which paddock are we in charge of?" 

"Oh no, we just patrol the whole park. It's not that bad! Look at the Brachiosaurus."

"Wow." I see the Brachiosaurus around the Gyrospheres. I then walks towards a tree and takes a big bite out of it, before leaving the tree branch swinging back and fourth. 

I take out my lunch, a potato salad, made by none other than me, and start munching down. Nothing happens much, until I notice the map. Above the whole entire park of Island Nublar, there lay a part of the map blocked up. 


I ask Ben what's the restricted area was. 

"I believe it's for the Indominus Rex." 

The Indominus? I start getting excited, until I hear the speakers. It comes straight out of my computer, making it an emergency.

"Code 19! Asset out of containment, I repeat this is not a drill. Asset out of containment."

I hear a guy in the back speak.

"Claire, calm down, what is it?" 

"Give me the coordinates on the Indominus. Now."

"Alright... It's in the cage." 


"No, I'm serious, it's in the cage!" 

"That can't be, we were just there." 

I realize, that there are people in the cage. Another girl starts screaming.

"This is the control room, get out of there now." 

The voice didn't get through.


"It's in there! It's in there with you!" 

They start running towards in the inside of the cage, But they are stopped when Indominus in front of them. I then see that it's Owen. He starts running away, as they are forced to open the cage to get out. Then Masrani walks in. 

"What is this? Close the door!" 

"We can't just leave them in there." 

They start closing it anyway. Owen manages to get out, Until I see the Indominus Rex break through the closing walls. It walks out in the middle of 2 cars, heading to one of them and eating up a man. I can't find Owen anywhere. But one thing is for sure.... 

The Indominus is out.... 

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