Chapter 3

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Freya Dean

6 months later

"Alright, NightStalkers! Today, we're training our endurance. We will start with a 20-mile run, 10 miles out to the edge of the territory, and 10 miles back. Afterward, I want everyone to immediately find a partner and spar for 2 hours, then we will take a break and do it all over again. We need to keep our human forms in just as much shape as our beast forms, you cannot always rely on your wolf to be able to save you. There are weapons out there that will hinder our wolves, and I don't want any of you to be ill-prepared in case anything like that were ever to happen. And go!" I stood there with my hands behind my back, shoulders straight, and head high as I watched 100 pack members take off, Malcolm leading the way. Malcolm and I became best friends and a great team in finding those who needed a home.

I officially became an Alpha once our pack reached 20 members, and we're growing by at least 1 wolf every other day. I guess rumor of a rogue pack has gotten around from the rogues that refused a home, but said they would spread the word around. I made Malcolm my Beta as well, it just made sense. Selene visited me in a dream once we became an official pack, and blessed us with another packhouse, more modern but still in the same style as the first and with even more room than the last to hold even more wolves. There is electricity, computers, a huge TV, a fridge, and other amenities required for modern survival. We mostly hunt together for food, but we have created a successful human business that requires minimal attention to build our money up for extra clothes, and anything else my pack requires.

I am filled with immense pride and gratefulness that these wolves have agreed to join me, and have accepted a female as their Alpha. The ones that refused are stuck in old ways of females not belonging in positions of power, but I'm grateful that they have spread the word of our haven.

Shaking out of my thoughts, I shift and run after the group. I love watching them train, the determined bunch had exceeded my expectations again and again, so I had to push them harder than even my old pack had trained. Soon, they will be ready for weapon training but they need the endurance to perform well. I let Artemis take control, her relishing in our emotions as she pushed harder to catch up to her pack.

Catching up with her group, Artemis started nipping at the backs of their legs, making them push harder as they ran. Some of the older wolves were slowing by the time they started to head back, so she stayed behind with them and matched their speed. I sat back and admired the way Artemis took responsibility for her people, the same way I do. She cares for every individual and knows when to push them harder and when to be understanding of their needs. Once we got back, I sent those who were tired out to rest and spend time with their families, then turned my attention to training in human form with Malcolm.

Once dinner and nightly training were finished, I headed to my office with Malcolm. We might be a pack in our eyes, but technically we're still rogues. Without permission from The Alpha King himself, we cannot become an official pack; this is to keep order so rogues that were exiled with good reasons don't make packs and try to overthrow the other packs across the country. I sit in my chair behind the desk, Malcolm takes his seat in front.

"I'm going to send the King an email requesting for us to be a formal pack. It will help our pack become stronger than we already are, and will also help keep other packs from attempting to take our land." I lean back, gauging his reaction.

"If you think it's for the best, then I stand with you 100% Frey. We just have to remember why we started this pack in the first place and not lose our way." He smiled at me and I rolled my eyes.

"I know this, Mac. We will always accept those in need with open arms." I open my laptop and email the King of our proposition, including how many pack members we have and what businesses we have to support our pack. I send it and stand up, heading for the door.

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