Strange Device

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"Quickly shoot her down!"

Chaos rang as gunshots were let loose aimlessly missing their target. And amid the chaos was one soul being, who's eyes gleamed a dangerous red. Two swords in each hand soaked in blood.

"I can't she's too fast, I can't see her!"

"Look out she's behind you!"

With a swing of her sword, the man was struck down in a single cut.

"It's no use, we can't stop her-"

Before the man could even finish a sword was plunged right through his chest. The cries of terror went on as no one was able to stop the woman from getting through. And one by one the terrorizing being struck them down, leaving only a blood-soaked path for her to walk in.

As time passed, the screams stopped, leaving only the sound of clicking boots to echo in the hallways.


Amber, had made quick work of each of the footmen and now headed towards the lab. It was where her real target was.

Amber pressed two fingers to her comm linking back to the one and only Maria Hills.

"I've eliminated any nuisances and am now headed over to the lab."

A playful voice came through the comm, "Well you sure did make quick work of them now didn't you, Amber."

A slight frown appeared on Amber's face at Maria's words.

"Yeah, I did. Now will you tell me what it is that I'm looking for in this lab?"

"Well someone's certainly in a hurry."

With a roll of her eyes, Amber replied, "Just tell me."

Any sort of amusement seemed to have left as Maria's voice changed to a more stern one.

"We aren't all that sure honestly. All we do know is that it's some weapon of sorts that some of Hydra's leftover goons had gotten their hands on."

Amber halted in her steps just as she reached the door to the laboratory.


'Please don't let it be another Tesseract of sorts.'

Amber was not looking forward to finding out what this weapon was.

Amber opened the door to the laboratory and entered doing a scan for any sign of danger.

Gazing around she saw no immediate threat. Looked around once more, this time for any possible weapon of mass destruction. Amber's gaze stopped on a seemingly glowing box that also appeared to be making a whirring noise.

"Found it."

"Are you sure?"

Amber quirked an eyebrow at Maria's question as if she had doubted her.


Amber moved to get closer a look at the strange box. Not exactly sure of what it was, Amber looked around to find a computer to find out what exactly it was she was looking at.

Changing her destination, she headed over to one of the many computers. Turning the computer on she was quick to put her skills to use and hack into it and find what she was looking for.

To say what she found was a bit of a shocker would be an understatement.

"Maria, what exactly is it that you do know about this device?"

"Not much, honestly, other than that Hydra was trying to weaponize it. Why?"

"They're not just trying to weaponize it. They're to make another Tesseract with it."

"Are you saying that-"

"Yes, it seems that whatever that thing is it seems to have similar capabilities as the tesseract does."

Amber's hands flew over the keyboard as she looked for more information on the device. She then continued to go ahead and download any information about it.

"Amber, it would be best to bring it back now. Before anything happens."

"On it."

Amber stared at the glowing screen waiting for the downloading to finish. The screen flashed signaling the downloading was complete. Grabbing the drive she unplugged it from the computer and moved to go and grab the device.

"Not so fast." A voice shouted out. A clock of a gun could be heard.

Amber turned around slowly to see a man dressed in a white lab coat pointing a gun right at her.

Quirking an eyebrow Amber gazed at the man with a dull look.

'Seems I missed one.'

Amber could tell from the way the man was shaking and the fear in his eyes that he's never held a gun before much less at a person.

"Y-yo-you n-n-need to leave. T-that it is not something you can handle." Still shaking in fear the man seemed very determined to not let her leave with it.

Tilting her head Amber asked a simple question, "What is it?"

This seemed to stop the man's shaking as his chest puffed out with pride. "That will allow for Hydra to be reborn a new. It will be Hydra's greatest weapon-"

Blood spilled from the man's chest as he looked down at the dagger bedded deep within him. Looking up the last thing he saw was a pair of glowing red eyes and he knew right away that he never stood a chance. Right in front of him stood the Red-Eyed Blooded Demon aka the Black Reaper. And no one ever escaped her clutches.

'Fuck I messed up.' Was the man's last thought as he bled out on the floor.


Amber turned her back to the now-dead scientist as she made her way over to the device. She grabbed the device securing it in a container as she made her way out of the building.

Once Amber made her way out she flicked her wrist and in her hand appeared a card. Amber then proceeded to throw it at the building she had just exited. The card embedded itself into the wall.

When Amber was a good distance away she snapped her fingers and the whole building exploded.

Now all Amber had to do was wait for pickup to hand over the device to Maria.

Hearing a ring Amber pulled out her phone to see the ID Caller to be Tony.

Amber answered the phone and was met by a very laid-back Tony.


"Hey, Amber where are you? Pepper keeps complaining about not knowing where you are and is nitpicking me about it. Geez the damn woman."

Thinking of a good excuse Amber replied, "Oh, just running a quick errand."

"Errand you know that's what Happy's for right? And- hey what's that noise?"

Looking down Amber noticed that the device was glowing brighter than before and the whirring noise was growing in volume.

"Hey, Tony I'll get back to you in a second."

"What!? Hey-wait a minute is this errand another one of Fury's-" Hanging up the call Amber placed the device on the ground, but just as she did so a glowing light surrounded her. A portal then opened sucking Amber through it.

Deck of Cards Series: Life Is like A Deck Of CardsWhere stories live. Discover now