Flying Monkeys!

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Currently Amber was in her room caring for her weapons. Superboy had taken a visit to Metropolis, while the others had taken to playing games.

The others wanted her to join, but Amber declined saying that she had things that needed to be done. And for once it wasn't an excuse to avoid any team activity.

Amber needed to organize her weaponry. Her blades were beginning to dull, so she needed to sharpen them. And her duel guns needed a check-up on maintenance.

By the time she was done, Amber decided it was time to join the others.

When Amber walked into the main room, she was met with an angry Superboy on the floor, before angrily walking away.

Black Canary noticed Amber walk in. "You're late for training."

"Apologies." was the only reply that came from her, as she went to go stand by the others.

"Wait," Canary called out. "Why don't you join me."

Amber raised a hidden eyebrow at her. 'Was beating two of them not enough.'

Amber let out a sigh, before nodding at going to stand in front of her.

Amber got into attack position waiting for Canary strike. A grin was shown on Canary's face as she went to throw a jab at her.

Amber was quick to grab her arm throwing Canary over her shoulder. Sadly, Canary was able to land on her feet.

To be honest, Amber had no interest in fighting Canary, it served her no purpose.

"Good, you know how to act." The two then circled one another, waiting to see who would be the first to strike.

Amber was the first to break the circling giving a roundhouse kick to Canary. Canary being the experienced woman she is blocked it.

Amber went in for another strike.

But, was quickly interrupted as a HoloScreen of Batman appears.

Amber stops her punch mid-throw, reeling her body back in to stand straight.

Their little spar, quickly being forgotten about.

"Batman to the cave." Everyone goes to stand with Canary, Amber, and Superboy.

"A new menace attacked Green Arrow and Black Canary. The attacker was capable of studying, then duplicating the powers and abilities of its opponents."

On a smaller screen, the image of the attacker becomes a video feed. The video shows the Legague getting pummeled by the attacker, mimicking their abilities.

"Arrow called in reinforcements, which nearly proved disastrous as our foe gained more and more power with each new combatant."

"What,' the gasp had come from Kid. "One guy with the powers of the entire League."

Everyone held a different expression, some were nervous, others were in awe at its power, and some were in disbelief.

"In the end, it took eight Leaguers four hours to defeat and dismantle the android."

"An android?" This catches Robin's attention. "Who built it, T.O. Morrow?"

"Good job, Robin. But Red Tornado doesn't think so."

"The technology bears the identity of Professor Ivo," Martian tells them.

"Ivo? But Ivo's dead."

Canary looks over her shoulder to the group, "So we all thought or hoped."

"To make certain this threat is permanently neutralized we're sending two trucks carrying the Android's parts to two separate STAR Lab facilities, which are Springfield, Gotham, Boston, and NYC-in Boston and New York for immediate evaluation. Every precaution is being taken. We'll have four additional trucks to create confusion in case Ivo or anyone tries to recover the remains. You will split into undercover teams to safeguard the two real trucks."

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