Now You See Me, Now You Don't

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'Breathe in....Breathe out...Repeat...Breathe in....Breathe out...Repeat...'

'Its in the past...forget it...stop thinking about it.'

'It's not real, its not real.'

Oh, how badly Amber wanted to believe that.

'If only it wasn't real, if only I hadn't done it...if only.'

A million thoughts ran through Amber's head as she recover from another restless night.

Her thoughts all consisted of what ifs, it wasn't real, its in the past, and to forgetting about her wretched past.

Finally catching her breath and calming down, Amber steeled her mind to focus and relax.

Amber layed in bed staring at the ceiling, her hand running through her hair. Amber was covered in sweat and was in desperate need of a shower, the restless night of no sleep.

Through Amber's peripheral vision something caught her eye. Amber turned her head to get a better look at what it was.

As Amber got a better look at it she relized what it was. It was a sort of gift ftom Fate from their last meeting at Cadmus. The object was golden colored sphere shape orb the size of a marble.

Fate had told her that should she ever need to come back for a visit to just give the orb a tight squeeze and think of the tower.

Amber looked away from the orb, returning back to staring at the ceiling as she closed her eyes.

'Now that I think about it, it's been a while since I've heard from him. He usually checks in with me ever so often. Strange.'

Amber looked at the orb once again, having decided on something.

Amber got up from her bed and walked over to the golden orb lying on her stand. She picked it up examining it.

'Guess it wouldn't be too bad to give Nabu and Nelson a quick visit.'

Amber then looked at herself feeling a bit icky.

'But, first a shower.'


"Initiate-Combat training." Kaldur and Suprboy work from the the opposite sides of the circle towards one another.

"3..." the two begin to cicle each other.



Both charge for one another, Superbpy goes in for a right hook that Aqulad ducks under, retaliating with a left-right one-two combo. Both of which Superboy blocks, though Kaldur jumps and goes for a hook kick.

Artemis and M'gann watch on.

"Kaldur's uh, nice don't you think?" Artemis asks glancing at M'gann, before continuing. "Handsome. Commanding. You should totally ask him out."

"He's like a big brother to me," M'gann denies light-heartedly.

"But you know who would make the cutest couple? You and Wally," M'gann teases.

"You're so full of passion and he's so full of-uh-of..."

"It," Artemis finishes for M'gann as they both laugh.

"Nah, but if I really had to say who would make a great couple it would have to Kaldur and Amber," M'gann said.

"Really, Amber and Kaldur. If Amber was coupled with one of them it would be Robin." Artemis replies.

Deck of Cards Series: Life Is like A Deck Of CardsWhere stories live. Discover now