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"Ugh," grunting sounds can be heard from Amber as she took a hard blow from the Clay monster.

At the moment the Team had been sent to deal with Clay monster however their plan didn't go accordingly.

Amber dodged in the nick of time as Clay monster brought down his morphed hammer to the ground.

Never would Amber have thought that she would be fighting clay.

It was a new experience for her to say the least.

Amber had fought many opponents from Hydra soldiers to super-enhanced humans to the Chitauri.

So it was an understatement, to say the least, that Amber was made to adapt to the strange new opponent.

Amber was covered in clay from Clay monster just as the rest of the Team was. The only difference was that Amber and Aqualad were the only conscious ones.

The rest of the Team had been knocked out cold leaving the two to fight Clay monster.

Amber pulled out one of her cards facing it toward Clay monster.

The card then glowed a red color just as a stream of fire shot out straight toward Clay.

The flame disappeared revealing a very much so still moving Clay monster.

Clay formed a sledgehammer shooting it at Aqualad knocking him into the wall and unconscious.

A smug look appeared on Clay's face as he turned to look at Amber.

"And then there was one," he mocked.

Clay monster's arms stretched out wrapping around Amber's body and pulling her closer to him.

Amber groaned in frustration at her predicament.

Though it soon stopped when she heard glass breaking and saw a bat-like figure appearing.

Amber suspected it to be Batman coming to save the day, but Amber was now fully stuck inside Claymonster.

To say the least, it was a very uncomfortable feeling.

Amber couldn't tell what was worse the feeling of being drenched in blood or being stuck inside a gooey monster.

Honestly, she rather be drenched in blood than this. The blood was a more familiar thing, this on the other hand was not.

The last thing Amber felt was being electrocuted and Clay monster melting away and everyone's favorite Bat coming into view with a very displeased face.

Thus, leading them to right now.


"I need to talk to Aqualad. The rest of you hit the showers and head home," Batman tells them as Amber and the rest walk through the Zeta tubes.

Superboy scoffed at 'home' with an annoyed face.

"Head home? I am home," Superboy's voice turned aggressive at the end.

The others go their separate ways leaving Aqulad and Robin with Batman.

Amber headed to her dorm and straight to the bathroom.

She really wanted to get all the clay off of her. After all, she had somewhere to be afterward and it wasn't like she could show up covered in clay and scratches.

The photographers would be very mad at that.

Amber made quick work of showering and heading out toward the Zeta tubes to her apartment to get ready as Sarah Good the teenage model.

Deck of Cards Series: Life Is like A Deck Of CardsWhere stories live. Discover now