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It's been an awkward few weeks for the Team. Amber could snse a feeling of discord within them. The return of Roy was causing Artemis to second guess herself. It alreayd caused a drift between her and Wally.

Last mission was a mess. Amber, Aqualad, Artemis, Kid Flash, and Red Arrow, were all sent to go and investigate Sportsmaster. But it was a comp-lete failure as Artemis let her emotions and need to prove that she was just as good as Roy.

Amber sighed at the memory. And too make everything worse Superboy seemed to becoming more impulsive and angry like he too needed to showcase something. Oh, and then M'ganns been awfully quiet lately, she didn't seem as bright as she usually was.

Finally, Amber found out the main reason Roy even joined the Team. He still believed there was a mole on the team. And apparently his top three wer Artemis, Superboy, and M'gann. Amber seemed to be following close to number four on the list. But he seemed to be less suspicious of her than he was than the others.

And now Amber and the team excluding Kid Flash and Aqualad were undercover at Haley's circus to find out about tech being stolen.

The Team was performing as the Daring Dangers. They were posing as siblings while Amber had taken to being the 'manager' of their troupe.

Amber watched from behind the circus tent at the team performed. It was impressive to watch, but Amber could only focus on Robin.

Robin was worrying Amber. He was not in good health. Amber with her inhnced eyesight could see the bullets of sweat coming down on his face. And Amber knew it wasn't because of the acrobacticts.

Amber's been keeping a close eye on him.

Speaking of during one of the jumps Robin missed M'ganns hand as he fell throught the air before Superboy threw a barrel straught up as Robin landed on it boosting him up to reach M'ganns outstretched hand,

Their act came to a finish as the team headed back to where Amber was.

The team joined Amber as Amber moved to stand by Robin.

Roy elbowed Robin gesturing with his head at two other performers.

Roy and Robin listened as Amber silently waited.

A man with white hair then came over to them displaying a badge.

"Faraday. Interpol. New act?"

As the 'manger' Amber replied, "Yes, we just joined."

"Probably clears you. But don't get too comfortable. Haley's going down for this." The man then walked off as Amber saw Robin send him a glare his way.


The Team was stationed at different posts as they observed a building where Robin speculated the thieves next target would be.

"If Interpol's already on this, why are we bothering?"

"Because Batman said so. Why, you got something better to do?"

"How do we know the thieves will hit there?"

"There are more obvious targets."

"And Faraday will have them covered. But I've analyzed the tech already stolen and the pattern suggests this is the place."

"How are you feeling?"

"Lousy, actually. But I'll manage."

Amber turned to Robin with worry. She needs to keep a close eye on him.

Deck of Cards Series: Life Is like A Deck Of CardsWhere stories live. Discover now