Ch 4: Midnight Captivation

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That night, in the refuge of their hideout, the soft glow of lamps faintly outlined the room. Rose's pacing steps echoed as Vincent, seated calmly, observing her storm to find its eye.

"What in the world set you off?" Vincent's voice cut through the tension.

"Elle," she spat out, "Elle..., of all people, was there. It's as if the fate has a grudge against us." Rose fuming with anger, her voice was that of a viper's hiss. "And what's more, she is well acquainted with Shawn! What if he finds out the truth before we could even make use of him?"

Vincent leaned in, his calm demeanor was a sharp contrast to Rose's agitated state. "Calm down, sweetheart," he said soothingly. "We can't afford to let anger cloud our judgement. Our focus should solely be on our next step in dealing with Shawn."

"But she knows," Rose argued, her voice became even more frustrated. "Elle suspects something. I saw it in her eyes."

Vincent's eyes narrowed as he considered her words. "Then we adapt. We have always been steps ahead. This changes nothing. It merely reshapes our approach."

Rose halted her restless strides, her gaze locking with Vincent's eyes. "What do you suggest?"

"We continue as planned," Vincent replied, his voice was a tranquil river compared to Ross's turbulent sea like expressions. "Elle's suspicions mean nothing without proof. All we have to do is remain indifferent, while strengthening our strategy."

Her breathing slowed as Vincent's words calmed her thoughts.

The moonlight falling in through the glass roof, casting a gentle glow over the cozy sofa. Rose's heart raced as she walked towards Vincent, feeling anticipation with her every step.

Time seemed to slow down, as she closed the distance between them, and in that moment, everything else faded away.

Gently holding Vincent's face in her hands, Rose looked into his eyes, caressing his cheeks. She slowly leaned in and passionately kissed him, savouring his supple lips.

Words escaped her lips as they broke apart, her breathless voice was a mere whisper, "Maybe this is why we're meant to be." Catching her breath, she continued, "No one could possibly understand the depth of these desires better than you."

Vincent, overwhelmed by her sudden confession, couldn't help but lean in and reciprocate the kiss.

But deep inside Vincent's mind, there was battle, a battle between the emotions he shared with Rose and the dark truth he hid within him.

"You really know how to drive me crazy...!" she purred,

"And here I thought, you were going crazy because of Elle." Vincent teased with a playful grin.

Hearing him say that, a mischievous smile formed on her lips, "Maybe you're right!" She withdrew her hands from his neck and turned to walk away.

Suddenly Rose felt a strong pull, as Vincent grabbed her hand, drawing her back into his embrace. They were so close that Rose could feel his warm, heavy breath brushing against her lips.

In his charming deep voice, he whispered, "You never get bored of playing tricks on me, do you?"

"Never..." Rose replied, her voice a soft echo admist the silence.

As they held each other, Vincent leaned in, his lips brushing against Rose's ear, his voice barely a murmur, "It's you, Rose... You're the reason I've been able to do it all without getting caught for four long years. My perfect partner!"

Rose's heart skipped a beat, her eyes widening in surprise. She was well aware of Vincent's complexities, his darkness, but she had never imagined he could make such kind confessions.

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