Ch 5: Contrasts of Emotions

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A sigh escaped Xavier's lips as he confessed, "Alright, well, sometimes Rose just becomes a bit too much to handle, you know? She's always pushing the boundaries."

Raising an eyebrow, Levi asked further, "Boundaries? What's she doing?"

Xavier, rolling his eyes, complained, "Constant demands, high expectations. It's like she expects me to read her mind."

Levi smirked. "Sounds like a handful." Seizing the opportunity, he inquired with a glint in his eyes, "But what demands are we talking about?"

Unaware of Levi's suggestive tone, Xavier jumped into the specifics while running a hand through his hair. "It's everything, Levi. Endless meetings, last-minute changes to her schedule, and she expects me to be on call 24/7."

Levi's curiosity getting the best of him as he interrogated further, "Sounds intense. What else?"

Xavier, caught up in venting, continued, "She has a knack for perfection, great for her brand, but it makes my job ten times harder. It's like she sees flaws where no one else does."

Nodding, Levi observed, a hint of disappointment in his expression, "So, it's the pressure to meet her standards that's getting to you?"

Xavier frowned as he agreed. "Yeah, and it doesn't stop there. Personal errands, dealing with her social calendar, and lately, she's been on my case about Vincent."

Leaning in with a sly smile, Levi coaxed Xavier to go on further. "Vincent? What's the issue there?"

Xavier, now revealing a hint of jealousy, confessed, "She thinks I should keep an eye on him. It's not my job to babysit her love life, but she doesn't see it that way."

Levi smirked as he teased, "Complicated, huh?"

Xavier sighed as he nodded his head in agreement. "You have no idea. It's a constant juggling act, and right now, I just need a breather."

Levi said, "I thought this was going to be a steamy story, Xavier, but it sounds like you've become a total slave to work!"

Xavier, puzzled at first, realised what Levi meant and shot him a look. "Get your head out of the gutter, Levi. It's not that kind of drama!"

A hint of blush covered Xavier's face, caused by the unexpected turn in the conversation. Levi chuckled, realising he might have pushed the boundaries of his curiosity a bit too far.

While Xavier bared his soul to Levi, the other gang members gathered in a small group, discussing the recent underground events. Bits of that conversation sailed through the night air.

"Have you heard about the new player in the east district?" one of them asked. His voice was low yet crafty.

"Yeah, word is they're making some bold moves," another replied, casting a cautious glance around.

Amid the talk, one of the gang members, dressed in a white leather jacket, bob cut hairs accentuating her bold facial features, Mia, chimed in, "The streets may change, but the game remains the same. We adapt, or we get left behind."

As the moon illuminated the scene, Xavier found comfort in the company of those who accepted him with scars and all. Navigating through the shadows of his professional challenges and personal dilemmas.

The bikes, which were once the very instruments of rebellion, now echoed the harmony of their friendship, the engines fading into the quiet of the night, leaving behind a sense of closure to a night of confessions.


A rosy glow painted the evening, as Rose stepped out of her car, her dress singing tales of elegance that captivated every eye.

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