Ch 7: Rumours and Anticipation

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Hearing those words, the lady flinched and lifted her head in surprise, until her gaze fell upon Jane, "M-my angel! My baby!" She uttered in a trembling voice.

"Thank God! Oh my, Thank God!" The lady stood up, tears flowing endlessly through her eyes as she embraced the girl lying on the bed. Then she hurried to get the doctors.

The doctor soon rushed in and checked up on Jane, declaring that her vitals are stable, and that everything's alright.

Amidst all that, Shawn was still leaning against the wall, witnessing each moment unfold. Tears seemed to gather up in his eyes, making his vision a little blurry as he continued to smile wide, still unnoticed by anyone and everyone.

He then stood straight and walked towards Jane, leaning towards her. He wished. "Happy Birthday Jane! I wish you all the happiness in the world!" Then he turned to leave the room, walking out of the door.


The same morning, Rose stepped out of her sleek black car and walked inside her office building, navigating her way through the corridors accompanied by her bodyguard, Xavier.

When she entered, people greeted her with morning wishes as she passed by. Among the employees arriving at work were two females dressed in staff members’ uniform. They started squealing and gushing over as soon as they spotted Xavier from afar.

“Isn’t our Xavier looking more handsome today?” One of the woman with a tall figure, began in a daze.

“Oh! You’re right! I wonder if something good happened to him. But if you notice, Ms Lawrence is also in a good mood. One could hardly believe how scary she was yesterday.” The second woman in glasses said.

“Now that you mention it, I almost had a heart attack yesterday. It was my first time seeing her all raged up. I thought I’ll end up losing my job!” The tall woman lamented as she continued, “anyway, maybe the dating rumours are true after all. Seeing how they both are in such a good mood!”

“I know right!” The woman in glasses replied. Kya! "Look at how Xavier leans in every time Ms Lawrence says something.”

“Ah! Oh my god! Oh, my god!” The tall woman, now in complete fangirl mode, didn’t realise how loud she got in excitement.

Every other person passing by turned their gazes towards them. Even Rose, who was there in the halls, waiting for the lift, turned to see what the commotion was, but soon turned away, as it was just two employees talking.

Having attracted unwanted attention, both the women lowered their heads in embarrassment but still continued their conversation.

Clearing her throat, the tall woman continued, “By the way, our Xavier always carries that serious expression at work. Do you think he acts all sweet and adorable when alone with Ms Lawrence?”

“I think I might go crazy imagining him like that! Ah! He must look so cute!” The woman with glasses mused.

Reaching near the lift, the two women halted their conversation as they noticed Rose and Xavier were still there.

Standing just at the back, they greeted her and Xavier cheerfully as they walked inside the lift.

As sunlight streamed in, Xavier opened the doors of her cabin and Rose stepped inside her office.

Settling down on her desk, she started preparing herself for the day’s tasks. It was going to be a busy day, but there was an unusual happiness radiating through her face that left her secretary, Alice, puzzled.

“Good morning, Rose. You seem... different today,” Alice remarked, trying to decipher the sudden shift in Rose’s mood from yesterday.

“Just woke up on the right side of the bed, I guess,” Rose replied with a playful wink.

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