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I feel caress of warm sunlight and loud  whisper of  waves from distance.
It takes me a moment to refill my mind with
where am I?
With whom I am?
It took us almost months to  align our schedule for long holiday.
For someone as wild as Jules. Brazilian beaches are perfect fit.
Drinks and famous jazz feels to come alive. So here we are.
My eyes open slightly, sweet lavender, cinnamon and sea seems to fill my nostrils.
Tilting my head I peek down and mesmerise by the most beautiful view on the planet.
More than the sea and sky appearing from beach hotel windows.
More than any sunset or sunrise.
More than any stary sky.
I gently removed the strands of hairs falling across her marvellous face. Blocking the image for me.
My Jules.
Last night she had her painful period cramps. Her strength and default sarcasm is my dose for life but the moments of vulnerability and discomfort  where she scrunches into a ball. Make me want to held her in my arms and never let go.
Lavender oil massage always works for her a little circles across her belly and she passes out.
Now, she is sleeping in peace. No sign of last night discomfort or pain which eases something in my chest. I peck on her shoulder lightly and tighten my arm around her torso.
She snuggles too. Her back flushes in my chest.
" You up?" Her whispers are barely audible.
"Hmmm" I murmur while pecking her head this time."Want to rest more or should we leave?".

I want Jules to be total fit. I won't step out if she doesn't feel like.

"I'm fine. But I really don't feel like walking out for breakfast, I'm good in bed for a little longer" she says turning and now her head is on my chest one arm around my waist.
I tug her closer. Scanning her face.which is now amazingly glowing. relief to me that she actually had a good sleep.

"You will get old sooner with your sedentary lifestyle. Red.and I will be smoking hot even in my 60s." I tried to crack jokes and sliding a strand behind her ear.
Her lips curved upwards " you always have a high opinion about yourself. Make your proudy ass work and bring us breakfast. I'm starving ". She kissed on my bare chest. Right above my heart. She really know how to lure me. Everything she does has a magic on me.
Her eyes still closed.I gently shift her weight off my body and brush a light kiss on her lips which gained me a full fledge smile.
"I can gladly become your happy meal.Red. which you can never get enough of." I offer while sliping in my shirt over my head.
"Can't deny your dick is functional but not magical enough to provide me with food. Joshy" Last word came out with pure taunt. Can't help myself chuckling. She never makes it easy.

"After feeding you I'll make sure my magic to last on you whole day. You will  taste me with every meal." I gave my signature smirk to her. Before reaching to the Knob.
I hear her calling from behind so I turn "yeah?"
"Don't forget to bring my caramel coffee with almond milk" now she sits on the bed wholly, dragging the comforter over her waist.
Her silky hair cascading over her face and shoulder.And in my hoodie. Ahh I can never get tired of this. She looks so mine.
Every passing day. I find her more beautiful. her attorney uniform. Her red dresses she wears mostly on our dates. Even in her PJ's she is fucking adorable. It feels like falling for her over and over like thousandth time during past years.
But her stubbornness is preserved like radioactive substance.
And here we are...
"Nope" I declare flatly.
"What...why...?"a beat of silence "NO" She protests,  when realisation hits her."I will not drink some stupid tea."

"Yes! You are having green tea. It will help you with cramps and tiredness."
Its like every month. Jules sets up her resistance for Ginger ale or green tea.
Nevermind, I like challenges because its fun  to convience her. For someone smart like Jules she sometimes acts like a fucking toddler.
"Bring me! I won't take a single sip" she warned waryly. And went flat on bed again now covering herself upto head.
I shrug knowing this is a never ending bickering.  Twisting the knob I step out of our hotel room.
Jules blissfully in sleep again.

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