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Finally. We are going home.

I can cry an ocean right now. Or maybe do a little victory dance. Anything will do.

I can hug the person who came to rescue us. If Josh doesn't end up killing him and book a jail trip again.
Literally, can't risk it.

"Let's go. Red"

I jerk myself from happy go Lucky thoughts, realising I haven't moved an inch. Been petrified due to the happiness and now my cheeks are hurting because I was grinning like an idiot the whole time.

"Come on, Red." He repeats extending a hand in my direction.

"Yup! Please!" I clutch his hand and hurl to get up.

Bad idea.

My legs wobble because of being seated for so long. The non existing balance I thought I have didn't last. Way too quickly for my brain to order my limbs to kick into action, lastly, making me catapulte forward.

I brace myself for the landing.
A skull crack won't hurt that much.
Involuntarily, I close my eyes and start counting for the inevitable.

Seconds to go.
Milliseconds to go.
Hmm still waiting...

Nothing comes.

Instead, an arm with iron like grip snakes around my midsection and I'm suspended in the air now. My face few inches from the dusty floor.

"Jules calm down. It won't look good returning home with bandages and plaster cast." Josh tells with amusement in his voice.

Yes, right.
I peel open my painfully closed eyes and stand with the help of Josh's firm grip around me.
It took me few second for stability.

"It was just excitement, you know." I tell dryly while dusting my shorts.

"You ran like maniac or homeless after food." Despite my attempt to take it as taunt and accuse him for insulting me, I know it came as a matter of fact.

"Stop it. Let me grace you with information that we literally are homeless now."

"Well, that's true" Josh admits defeated.

My heart aches to see him like this. I wish I could spare some of his pain.

We duck our way out of the cell. The
Officer Rodrigues is sitting straight with his hands crossed over his chest and eyes fixed on a figure sitting tall in his opposite chair.

The tall figure must be our attorney, his back is on us.
He seems lean yet muscular. Maybe in his late twenties but still carrying himself with such a confidence in that sharp suit. His fingers are unhurried while packing his briefcase.

He slowly stands from his seat, listening our footsteps getting closer. Apparently, he is not as oblivious to the surrounding as I assumed.

"You know some folks don't like an unwanted and an unexpected last minute trip to the other continent."

A deep sophisticated British accent fills the air. He tells without turning or breaking the eye contact with his briefcase.

When he is done, he starts turning,
"What I'm trying to say..." He pauses upon seeing me and his expression transforms from annoyed to flirty."It seems my unexpected trip has suddenly become quite pleasant." He strides towards us, "To have the opportunity to meet such a beauty in the midst of such chaos is truly a delightful surprise."

Are you fucking kidding me?

His words caught me off guard. My eyes widen and lips part due to the sudden change.
Wasn't he just complaining, few seconds ago?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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