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Kairo placed his phone and jewelry in the basket, and walked through the metal detector. The officer gave him back his belongings and he slid his cellphone back in his pocket and put his jewelry back on. Kairo looked around the unfamiliar place and made his way towards the back of the jail where the visitation room was. The police officers that stood outside guarding the doors let him in and he sat down in the chair. Not soon after that he saw the police officers escorting his father to the chair on the other side of the glass. He had on handcuffs and shackles. His father had been in prison for 10 years already and this is the first time they granted him visitation, due to his crimes.

His father called him a couple days ago, telling him that he needed to see him. He told him he had something to tell him. He hadn't heard from his father in years so he was kind of surprised when he called but he was curious to know why.

We picked up the phone at the same time that allowed us to talk to each other and my father spoke first. "Wassup, young blood?"

"Can't call it." When I was younger I had a great relationship with my father but once he got locked up, he stopped reaching out. He stopped giving a fuck about me. I would put money on his books and even send him emails when he first got locked up. He would call to thank me, but eventually the calls stopped and I refused to give my money to an unappreciated motherfucker so I stopped sending him money. I just prayed he was okay everyday, because he was still my father.

"Son, how you been? You starting to look like your father." He chuckled.

I smiled, "Thanks." Was all I said. I really just wanted him to get to the point. It seemed like he noticed my impatient demeanor.

"You got to watch your back, son." He said.

"I'm always watching my back."

He looked around, checking his surroundings before he said anything else. "This game is dangerous. I never wanted you to go down the road I went down but since you did, all I can do is have your back." He whispered. "The streets talk son, and I heard some niggas on the inside talking about some shit."

I listened, he continued.

"Rocco sent them people to shoot at your house." My father looked around again, making sure no one was hearing what he was telling his son. He held the phone to his ear and spoke again, whispering still. I pressed the phone harder into my ear so I could hear him. "Remember that name son. He wants me dead but since he can't get to me, he's trying to get to me through you. That nigga want you dead."

I sat there listening, trying to figure out who the fuck Rocco was and what the fuck my father did to him. "Who is this nigga?" I asked him.

Looking around again, he turned back and started whispering again. "Read my lips son." I paid attention, as I tried to pay attention to his lips moving. He was saying "I killed his son." He started talking once he realized I caught what he was saying to me. Kairo now knew that Rocco's son was the reason he was facing the murder charges and that he couldn't say anything out loud that could incriminate him, especially since he was still trying to get off.

"Why didn't he just take you out when he had the chance?" I asked, curious to know why if Rocco knew his father killed his son, why didn't he kill him when he could. His father hadn't been in jail forever.

"I leave no traces. He just found out, I'm not sure how but son this a dangerous nigga we talking about. Watch your back, blood."

"Good looking."

"Times up." A guard came over and hung the phone up, placing handcuffs on my father before he got the change to say anything else. He could hear him faintly yelling from the other side of the glass and it sounded like he said "love you son." I got up from the chair and waited for the guards to let me out of the locked door. They finally let me out and I made my way back to the front of the jail and walked out the door. I walked to my car and hopped in, just sitting there looking off into space. Kairo knew the game was dangerous and that niggas would be gunning for his head but he expected it to be because of shit he did, not because of shit his father did. Kairo sighed as he started the car and drove off into the distance. He came to a red light and looked out his rear view mirror, seeing the same black car with tinted windows behind him that he noticed behind him when he was leaving the jailhouse. Kairo sat up and made a right turn at the red light to see if the car would follow him. He looked back to see no one behind him but just as he was about to turn left onto another side street, he saw the same car creeping up behind him. Kairo reached for his gun in the middle console and cocked it, sitting it in his lap.

Kairo reached for his phone and dialed D's number, trying to tell him he needed back up asap but as soon as D answered, shots were being fired at his car from the same car that had been following him. He dropped his phone in his lap. Who the fuck are these niggas? Kairo thought as he swerved back and forth, trying to dodge the bullets. He crouched down in his seat, still trying to get away from the niggas shooting. He looked back to see somebody shooting from the passengers seat and the drivers seat. Realizing that he was more than likely outnumbered, he stepped on the gas, flooring the car. He was now going 85 in a 35. He swerved through traffic as he tried to get away from the car shooting at him.

Kairo rolled the window down and reached for his gun in his lap, he was kind of at a disadvantage since multiple people were shooting at him but he held the gun out the window and just began firing, not sure what or who he was hitting.

I drove with one hand and shot with the other. I looked back to notice the car was getting super close to me and before I knew it they rammed into me, causing me to swerve hard as fuck. I was now going 92mph and I tried to step on the breaks as the car slid across the sideway and flipped over. I heard the sound of the car burn out. I felt dizzy as fuck and my eyes began to get heavy. Everything got dark.

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