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One of Kairo's workers found out who this nigga Rocco was and where his warehouse was. Kairo wasn't about to keep letting this nigga get away with shooting at him. He wanted war. I gripped my gun as I looked over at D.

"You ready nigga?" D asked a little aggressive. D had still been acting like a little bitch lately. I didn't understand how he was mad at him because Sevyn wanted him. He wasn't about to keep dealing with his attitude though. It was things to be done and he needed to focus. He worried about the wrong shit. I honestly thought about blowing D's brains out when I found out the truth about what happened with him and Sevyn but he let it go, for now.

"Why you always bitching? Damn you got a little taste of my pussy, now you trippin." I challenged him.

"I had it first nigga." He stared me dead in my eyes, clenching his teeth. "That shit good as fuck."

I reached for my gun and aimed it at him. He pulled out his, aiming it at me too. "Give me a reason nigga." I threatened.

"I gave you plenty." I was about to beat this nigga ass but before I could act on anything, one of our workers stepped in between us, Blaze was his name.

"Man come on yall, we got business to handle." Blaze tried to separate us and I stepped back. He was right. I ignored D and focused on the matter at hand. We rushed into the warehouse, shooting. Bodies began to drop to the ground.

We heard a deep laugh and we all looked around to see where it was coming from. In stepped a heavyset man in a suit, with a gun in his hand and I assumed it was Rocco but as he got closer my eyes widened. I knew this nigga. Shay's father. I knew her father was in the game but I never crossed paths with him. I never knew his street name either. I sat on this man's couch before and now here he was trying to kill me because of something my father did?

"We meet again, Kairo." He said, pointing his gun dead at me.

I stared him down as he continued to hold the gun to my head. He didn't give a fuck that he was outnumbered or anything. He showed no fear. "You fell right into my trap."

I looked confused as I heard heals clicking on the warehouse floor and looked over to see Shay walking towards us. I swear I was sick of this bitch. She went to stand beside her father. "You know, with some help. It wasn't hard to find out where you laid your head." Rocco nodded in the direction of D and he walked over to stand with him. What the fuck was going on?

"Surprise nigga." D pulled out his gun and now was pointing it at me. He put 2 and 2 together. He figured that Shay and D were the ones that helped Rocco figure out his whereabouts and right now he wanted to put a bullet in all of their heads. I watched as my team looked surprised also.

"Your father killed my son, now I'm going to kill his." Rocco said. I accepted my fate. The gun went off 3 times but when I realized I wasn't the one that was shot, my eyes got wide as fuck. Rocco shot D. D laid there in a pool of blood and then Rocco turned his gun back to me. "I didn't need him anymore either." Rocco said, referring to D. I watched him clench the gun, and I just knew I was about to die but when I felt someone tackle me from behind, I looked over to see it was one of my workers. The rest of my workers began shooting at Rocco. I watched as bullets went into his body. They were emptying the clip on his ass. I thanked my worker that tackled me, getting up off the ground. I watched as Rocco's body hit the ground with a loud thud.

"Daddyyy." Shay cried out as she ran to her father's side to hug his dead body. I watched as she tried to grab the gun that was lying beside her father's body. It was the one that fell out of her father's hand when he hit the ground. She grabbed it and aimed it towards me but before she could pull the trigger, I let off 5 shots into her body. She fell on top of her father. Crazy bitch. I dapped my team up, telling them to clean everything up and I headed out of the warehouse. I was relieved that I didn't have any more enemies to worry about. I didn't like being shot at. I sniffed the fresh air as I made my way to my car. I unlocked the door and hopped in, starting the car. I sped off into the distance.

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