The Dream Team

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Adrien still wasn't speaking to Finnick when they exited the train

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Adrien still wasn't speaking to Finnick when they exited the train.

It seemed no one could decide who they wanted to win. It would always be a losing situation.

Adrien was the one that struggled the most.

When they were transferred to the car that was going to escort them to their designers, Finnick accidentally bumped into Adrien as he sat down, and Adrien glared fiercely at him. Annie huffed and threw her hands in the air. She turned on all of them.

"That is it!" she growled. Jacks scooted away from her, and everyone else jumped. "I get that this is the worst case scenario. I get that this is your worst fear. I get that you're probably pouting and blaming each other right now, but none of that is helpful. You are our mentors. So you need to pull yourselves together and help us get through these games. I can help Jack win, but only if I'm alive, so I need you to make sure I'm staying alive as long as possible. You need to put whatever pitiful argument you're having with yourselves and each other behind you, and use your brains. Now, grow up and mentor us."

They were all silent. Jack scooted back over to Annie. Either he decided that she was calm enough to not force himself to sit on top of Iris, or he just realized Annie was his best shot at survival.

Adrien and Finnick glanced at each other.

"This is not your fault," Annie groaned. "I'm not sure who currently blames who right now, but this is all on Snow. He is the one who rigged it so that you would be forced to see me and Jack fight one another--"

"Now now," Iris tutted, clearly offended on her president's behalf. "President Snow would never--"

"Zip it, lady!" Annie snapped, "you have no idea how much of a manipulative monster your president is. Now, let the grown ups talk."

Iris' mouth fell open. Mags, Finnick, and Adrien knew they should reprimand her, but couldn't bring themselves to do it. In fact, it took everything in them not to laugh.

"You're going to be brought in to meet Reiner. He's the district stylist. You will be poked and prodded, and it will hurt, but try not to show any weakness," Mags said.

"Everyone in the Capitol is going to know about the connection you two have. So, when you're presented to them, you're going to appear completely unified. We're going to play up Annie as the older sister figure." Finnick said.

"That means you're going to hold Jack's hand, but pretend you're trying to hide it. When you get to the end, make sure your hands are visible to the cameras." Adrien added.

"I don't want to appear weak," Jack protested.

"Do you know how to handle a sword? Or any weapon?" Adrien asked. Jack shook his head. "Then this is the angle we're using. We want the Capitol to fall in love with the two of you together. You'll be working together in the games, and we need you to appear as everyone's little brother."

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