chapter seven

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QUALIFYING WAS an absolute disaster for Lauren so far. It started pouring during Q1, resulting in many drivers inevitably messing up. Valtteri Bottas ended up causing the session to be red-flagged after he spun off, ending in the gravel. Albon, De Vries and Alonso visited the gravel at unfortunate moments too. Lauren had been cursing like a sailor the entire session as all these mistakes happened while she was setting her laps.

Now she had to quite literally race the clock as she had a minute and 59 seconds to make it to Q2. 'Take it easy, kid. We'll try another lap,' Hugh was trying his hardest to reassure her but failed.

'I can't take it fucking easy, Hugh. This is so unfair,' Lauren had let her emotions run very high. She knew Hugh was just feeding her with false hope. She was impatiently waiting for a sign to exit the pits when Christian joined in on her radio.

'It's go-time, Lauren. We'll cry after you secure a lap time,' 

'The hell we will,' She breathed out, collecting herself. She quickly exited the pits, still following the regulations though to avoid landing herself a penalty.

The second she was out on the track, she got into her zone again. Lauren accelerated down the main straight, building up as much speed as she could as she approached the first corner. She hit the brakes hard for the right-hand Turn 1, managing to find the optimal racing line.

'Smooth exit, kid,' Hugh complimented.

She went ahead executing turn after turn perfectly. She noticed she was the only one out on track. 

'How much time do I have left,' she asked, her voice shaking.

'Doesn't matter, keep pushing,'


She braked and turned right when she reached Turn 13. She was setting up for the final corners, very aware of how important these final moves were.

'Come on, kid. Come on,' 

Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya was a challenging one. Lauren couldn't afford mistakes or distractions. So when her mind started to wonder about Charles' lap time, she wanted to rip her brain out.

The second she took Turn 16 with precision, reaching the start/finish straight, Lauren felt massive relief.

'Did we do it?' she asked nervously.

No response.

'Guys, tell me before I crash this car,' Laughter could be heard over her radio.

'Congratulations, Lauren. You made it to Q2,' said Christian.

Lauren's groans of relief were filling the eardrums of millions of spectators. This minor victory was what preceded something she wouldn't have dreamed of achieving so soon: her first pole position in Q3.

It had all happened very quickly. She couldn't even get out of the car for a minute, tears streaming down her face. It was between her and Max. A difference of two tens. She was still in disbelief. She ran to her crew, engulfing each and every one of them in a grateful hug.  

'Laury, you did it,' said Christian, looking upon his newest team member with friendly eyes. Lauren's crying intensified at the nickname Christian called her. She became painfully aware of the fact that her dad wasn't there to witness her success.

'What's wrong?' asked her team principal, the worry painted on his face, 'it's Ralph, isn't it?' Ralph Evans was a big name in the Formula One industry. He used to be an engineer for Ferrari during Schumacher's peak. Not only was he great at his job, but he was also a great man, which is what most people remembered him for. 

Hugh joined Christian's side. 'Kid, are you okay?' he asked. The cameras were catching onto what was happening. Christian wiped her eyes, panicking internally. He had no clue how to reassure the girl, despite having a daughter himself for fuck's sake. Hugh tried to shield the delicate twenty-two-year-old's figure from the eye of the public until she calmed down. Both Christian and Hugh knew that a mic was about to be pushed under her nose.

'Christian, she can't go on television like this,'

'I know mate, but we can't do anything about it. Isolating her will be extremely damaging to her reputation and weird to the fans,' Christian paused, 'ah forget it. Laury, it's whatever you want. You think you can woman up?'

'I'm trying. I really am,' said Lauren, wiping furiously at her tears.

Lauren looked up at the big screen surrounding her. The red-haired reporter had finished interviewing Carlos and was now interviewing Max, meaning Lauren was next. Lauren dabbed away some mascara streaks that had stained her eyebags. When she regained her courage, Lauren stepped away from her crew and moved toward the reporter's direction.

The girl cracked a final joke with Max before making her way towards Lauren, who no longer sounded like a dying seal.

'There she is, our pole-sitter. Good to have you here,' the redhead was rather nervous to be speaking to Lauren. She was tall and slender, freckles covering her whole face. The first thing that Lauren noticed was how bright green her eyes were. Lauren wanted to make her feel welcomed, knowing how much pressure was on the girl's shoulder.

'What's your name?' asked Lauren.


'Well, Martina it's a pleasure to have you here as well,' Martina sent Lauren an appreciative smile.

'How do you feel? We noticed a few tears care to share what's on your mind?' Lauren chuckled at the question, deciding it could potentially work in her favour to show some vulnerability.

'Honestly, if you came a bit earlier you'd have found me bawling my eyes out,' Martina laughed hard. 'What do I feel?' Lauren repeated the question, 'I feel an insane amount of gratitude. Q1 had cost me ten years of my life and I was so glad to have made it to Q2 and then in Q3, it felt like I was one with the car. And my crew deserves special thanks for dealing with my rage. They're all getting beers after this. As for the reasoning behind the crying, I'd like to say a few quick words for all those who are watching,'

'Sure, go on,' said Martina, patting Lauren's arm.

'The second I parked that car, there was only one person on my mind. Most of you know him as Ralphie. He is the man who didn't put me in a kart until I told him I wanted to. The man who supported me throughout my entire career. If he were here today, he would've been standing here next to me, screaming at all of you. He'd be chanting something stupid like 'That's my daughter, everyone!' This pole is for him and I hope I get to keep it tomorrow,' Lauren's voice cracked a little again. Martina decided to change the subject, also seeming moved by her words.

'Beautifully said. Your dad would be very proud of you. I think everyone around me would agree,' the Red Bull fans cheered loudly, chanting Lauren's name proudly before Martina moved on to her next question, 'how do you plan to defend your position?'

'By driving faster than Max,' Lauren chuckled, running a hand through her severe case of helmet hair.

Martina smiled. 'Would you care to elaborate a little further on that,'

'Well, I know Max is far more experienced than I am. He is a very talented driver and whatever happens tomorrow, I know we'll both have a fun time duelling,'

'Alright, thank you for your time. I'll let you get to the early celebrations,' Martina winked at Lauren, before bidding her goodbye with the shake of a hand.

Lauren had no idea what the remainder of the weekend had in store for her. She didn't mind though. Her brain felt like mush and her heart was on the verge of exploding. She made it.

a/n hi to all my new readers! a bit more of an emotional chapter today. i need you all to fall in love with Lauren's personality. please do tell me how you like the story so far!!

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