chapter eight

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DISASTER HAD STRUCK when Lauren came back from dinner with the team. She'd had a lovely night. She'd spoken with Max and made sure that they were still good. She'd noticed he was between being happy for her and resenting her for killing his winning streak. They were both adult enough to know that Formula One was a competitive sport. There was no room for hard feelings. Max secretly enjoyed having some competition, though to a certain limit. He wanted to become world champion again. Deep down both of them knew that if Lauren were to become a danger to their title, things would change. Luckily, they had nothing to worry about yet.

Lauren was sitting in her hotel room on her own. She'd briefly talked to her mom on the phone. Linda Evans would fly in for the Grand Prix to support her daughter, along with her daughter's best friend, Ruby. Lauren was very happy about that as they couldn't have made it to the previous race. She reached for her cigarettes when the screen of her phone lit up. It was a text from an unknown number.

I should kiss you good luck more often

Lauren chuckled to herself. It had to be Charles. She shot him back a text.

Who says I'll let you kiss me again?

Three dots appeared, indicating she was about to receive a new message.

Hopefully you after you let me into your room

Lauren felt her body betray her, desire creeping up between her legs. She wouldn't let him know this though.

God, you're so obsessed with me. Are you not embarrassed?

Yes, I am embarrassed, but only about finding you attractive.

Lauren laughed out loud as she typed out her response. He didn't give her a chance to finish it.

You want some company? What's your room number?

You're such a fan. Lucky for you, I always make time for mine. It's number 305

Lauren expected he was joking. She had no clue where the Ferrari team was staying for the race weekend. One could imagine her shock when she heard a knock on her door not even two minutes later. Almost simultaneously, her screen lit up again.

I'm outside

Lauren ran to the bathroom, quickly fixing her hair. She put on some lipgloss and popped her lips in satisfaction. A breath she didn't know she was holding in escaped her when she made her way to the door. She opened the door, finding Charles in his full glory leaning against the door.

The urge to insult him entered Lauren's body again. How dare he be so handsome? He was sporting a basic black hoodie with matching sweats. To make Lauren's case worse, he wore his glasses. He looked tired in a weirdly attractive way. Lauren mentally cussed him out.

'Technically, you're not outside as this hotel has a roof,' Charles frowned, pursing his lips together in a poor attempt to hide the fact that he wanted to laugh in her face for saying something so stupid.

'Technically, you should move aside and let your guest in. Have you got no manners?' he asked mockingly before pushing past her playfully.

'How did you get here so quickly?' asked Lauren, watching him take a seat on her bed as if he owned the place.

'I was already on my way when I texted you,' Lauren's cheeks tinted. She hoped he wouldn't notice as the room was dimmed, the only source of light being the TV and the bathroom light.

'I never thought you'd be the desperate type, Leclerc,' Lauren crossed her arms, humouring him.

He ignored her comment, kicked off his shoes and covered himself with her blanket. Lauren burst out into a fit of laughter. He sent her a look of confusion as if him welcoming himself into her room and claiming her bed was the most normal occurrence of the day.

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