S1: E3 Texas Proud

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It is the day after I went out with Tim and I am watching Tyler. Why? Well, he is freaking out because his date wanted to do something romantic. Of course, Tyler is not ready to commit to another serious relationship yet. I can't blame him after what Alex triggered in him. I'm just annoyed that he won't let himself be vulnerable. Based on what he says Carlos won't do anything stupid.

"I'm telling you, Piper. I made a mistake," Tyler complains as he paces back and forth.

"You didn't make a mistake, you are afraid of letting yourself love again. I'm sure it will work itself out," I get to work on reassuring Tyler. It is proving to be a difficult task. He is acting like it is the end of the world.

"I just don't think it is going to work out in the way that Carlos wants. The thing is I want to make it work for the both of us," Tyler responds.

"Well the first step is to let yourself love again," I reply. After a few minutes of back and forth, Tyler finally calms down enough to get ready for work. After a few minutes, Tyler is finally ready. After what feels like an eternity we made it to the fire station. Since Tyler and I travelled together I am early. Not that it matters as I can get the inventory done while I wait for Michelle and Tim. After a minute I join the B shift crew as they finalise a few things on their end. After ten minutes the B shift crew leave as Tim and Michelle have arrived.

"Morning," I greet the pair.

"Good morning. You're here early," Michelle observes.

"Yeah don't tell TK I told you but I had to drop him off after a rough date last night," I explain whilst being vague as I don't want to expose the fact that I am worried about him. Despite his best reassurances, I will worry as the last time he spiralled like this it didn't end well.

"At least he has a sister like you," Michelle responds before turning her attention to getting herself ready for the day. As I sought the ambulance I found myself wondering what she meant by a sister like me. I guess I will have to ask her. Before I have the chance she turns her attention to making sure the inventory is sorted. After a few hours of relative quiet the signal bell rings. It is an all-hands-on-deck call. After a scramble to the ambulance, we are underway.

"Call me stupid but what injuries are we expecting?" I tentatively ask as I have the feeling that we will be attending to one of the weirder calls that could happen in Texas. A part of me wonders what is going through my dad's mind as the person who has to coordinate the rescue.

"Since someone is trapped in a grain silo I'd say crush injuries or drowning," Tim replies. I can tell that he has a smirk on his face. Well, I knew coming to Texas was going to be different but this takes it to a whole new level. After what feels like an eternity we finally make it to the silo in question. As soon as our boots hit the ground my dad gets to work on delivering his orders.

"Everybody with high-angle training goes up. We've got to get this kid out of here," Dad barks his orders. With that, everyone gets to work on following his orders. After a minute the ladder is finally in place. Now for the hard part. Watching as my brother goes in for a risky rescue.

"Alright Listen up, y'all this is what we are going to do. You get in there, you put your platform down then you stay put," Judd takes over. After confirming Judd's orders the others go up. I watch on with nervous anticipation.

"You're not used to watching are you?" Tim observes.

"No. In New York, depending on the level of difficulty of the rescue, my crew would be right behind," I confirm. The thing is it is something that I will have to get used to as there is no way that Michelle would let me do something this crazy. In all honesty, I wouldn't want to go up in a grain silo anyway.

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