Chapter 1

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A/N: I'm going to be writing this in third pov i don't know how well its going to work out but ill try and comment what you think because this story is new and i want it to go well maybe with a bit of ziall

third person point of view

   "guys its nuts that they cant see each other, there such good friends" Niall said. "i know Niall but we cant do anything about it, management told them something and i don't know what because they haven't talked" zayn said. "it must've been pretty bad if they both walked out there really upset" Liam said walking into the kitchen.

"its not fair harry, how can management just tell us we cant see each other anymore" Louis said through the phone. "i know Louis the only time we get to see each other is when we are out with the boys" harry said. both super glum about the situation. "i... i think its better that we don't talk anymore" Louis said tears threatening to spill over. "WHAT WHY, no this is the only thing... i wont be able to hear your voice anymore, Lou please we can work something out." harry screamed. "I'm sorry harry, good bye" Louis said then hung up the phone.

Harry's pov

after Louis hung up the phone i was torn, torn away from the one i loved. i got up and grabbed my keys and ran to my car not bothering to put on a coat. i drove to Niall's flat he knew about my secret of loving Louis. i knocked on Niall's door. after a few minutes of no one answering i walked in, tears already falling down my cheeks. "harry whats wrong" Niall asked concerned. "they... they took Louis away, i cant see him anymore ever again" i said my voice cracking. "awe harry" Niall said hugging me. i really need some comfort. "the only time i get to see him is when were recording or were all together, and yet then we cant even talk" i said. "harry whats wrong" Liam asked concerned. "you going to tell him" Niall asked. "HEY, guys i gotta go okay, Louis asked me to come over" zayn said. i let out a loud sob just hearing the name hurt. after i had told Liam about me loving Louis Liam felt sorry for me and just hugged me.

Louis pov

"zayn i don't know what to do I've already lost so much zayn what do i do?" i asked begging for an answer. "i don't know Louis" zayn said. "i told him we should stop talking," i said. my eyes wide in realization. "I've just made it worse" i said. i got up and locked myself in my bathroom

"follow your heart not your mind"

a/n:IT SUCKS IN KNOW comment what you think it WILL GET BETTER i promise give it time

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