Chapter 2: Ruthless Queen

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This is a longer chaper. I have a rough idea of what I want the next couple of chapters to be like and a rough outline of where this story is headed.

If you have anything you think you'd like to see happen. I'm open to suggestions, as long as it fits the general direction of the story and doesn't throw out any future planned chapters!

With that said, happy reading.

Until next time, your (female) author, AJ


After being captured by the queen's vampires (thanks Sara, you useless idiot) and taken back to the castle, we were thrown into cells. I'm pretty sure the vampires ‘escorting’ us are glad to see the back of me. If I'm going to die, I'm going to piss off every vampire I see, and I have a smart mouth. 

They're a lot better than I was expecting for cells, I was thinking dank, smells like death, dark with crap all over the floor, literally. But, surprisingly, they smell OK, I have room to move around, and there's even a place to sit. If it wasn't so cold, I'd go as far as to say I was comfortable.

“At least they're clean.” Sara says whilst walking around the cell.

“Yes, cleanliness is top of my list when I'm about to be drained and killed. So glad that their cleaners do a stand up job.” I snap back. I know I was basically thinking the same, but she's the reason I'm here, so I have every right to be a bit of a bitch.

“Alright, god, why so grumpy?” She asks.

“You're not serious are you? Why am I grumpy? Ohhh, ohh you are serious? I have been a hunter since I was 18, in case your maths is bad, that's 12 years. In all of my 12 years I have seen vampires a handful of times. Care to hazard a guess at how many times I've been captured or injured by a vampire?” I look over at Sara, who refuses to both answer the question, and look at me.

“No? Well, let me tell you, ONCE. Right now, once. Daddy dearest sorts it out so you can be a big bad huntress and boast to all your little idiot friends about how big and strong you are. Not even 1 day in and we're both about to die due to your incompetent ass. If there wasn't a cage between us now, I'd kill you myself.” I huff as I sit on the surprisingly comfortable bench.

Sara finally looks my way “I'm sorry…”
I lay back on the bench, done with looking at her punchable face. “Save it.”

I awaken to my cage door squeaking open. “It's been a while since we captured humans.” I shoot a particularly nasty look to Sara as she says this. Yeah, I'm still not over that yet, and I may be acting like a child. I'll forgive her now though. . . . Maybe.

As I stand up, I take in the vampire in front of me. She's at least 6ft tall, wearing some sort of navy blue uniform, similar to the armour that was worn by the vampires that captured us. Her red hair, which matches her red eyes, cascades down over her shoulders. She's, yes, she's smiling at me, fangs and all. Well, that's an image that will never leave me.

“I am commander of the Queen's guard, the Queen will see you both now.” She motions for me to exit the cell.
Also, why are all vampires so bloody tall? Is it a pre requisite or something?

As the commander leads us down the winding halls of the castle, a guard either side of us. I can't help but admire the castle itself. It's long winding halls with large windows on one side and paintings depicting what I can only assume are important vampire events and vip’s on the other.

As I look down to my feet, I can see the marble floors look clean enough to eat my food off of. The queen is obviously very proud of her home and takes very good care of it, well, the servants and maids do.

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